NondescriptMaleThing (assume sarcasm)

LOL yes! Horizon Chase Turbo! That was a pleasant surprise.  :)

My son’s a fan so this is a “must buy” if it’s even halfway decent. But he can barely read so I’m worried that the “exposition” part will lose him. Thoughts?

Gotta film fast...as the winds howl, it is a decrepit whistling mocking the entrapped animals who yearn for freedom from their robotic shackles. The blue one knows only murder.

I also liked them. Downpour is the better of the two for me because they did such a great job with the bogeyman.

flicking your wrist 90 degrees, from horizontal to vertical, in .025 seconds. Like the developers at Valve, I would have guessed players with super twitch skills would be able to move fast, but not that fast.

nope, the Bell House makes most of their profits at these things off the drinks.

We have a tiny one shaped like a pig!! It is indeed adorbs.

Sidebar:  It’s so dang cute when people brag about their spouses.  Warms me cockles.


Looking these up, if only for the covers.

Is this your personal library? If so did you pick them up on Amazon? or where?

Didn’t Scooter Libby have a bear fucking book?

Oh, my.

The last one is fascinating. I wonder what the cubs look like. 

I don’t think these are the interspecies relationships on Youtube that the article mentions.

Your library is fascinating.

Yup, I discovered that too. Everything I bought two years ago was “expired.” Cool— thanks for letting me know that this was even an option.

Yeah same— found out I could register physical games one day by playing around. I suppose putting it in “options” makes sense, to some degree, but I didn’t even know I could do that prior. How very *Nintendo* of Nintendo.

and no, random commenters, I actually *don’t* care if you disagree

Nintendo UI has been trash since Wii, they are absolutely clueless when it comes to OS software. It can literally only do one thing at a time! You wann download a game and play a game or watch videos.....good luck