
Ha so true. Literally every person involved.... even the judge for awarding the buyer “damages.”  

“choke” is the worst, fan-made word in the history of sports...

Instead of just revisiting the pitch and start development with the original designer, giving him the chance to help make the changes they ultimately made to his idea, they just started developing without him. There’s no excuse for this. Its a shame really. No matter how many changes they made, they knew the whole

Why do so many people look for things to get upset about? Did he know ahead of time or not... was it an appropriate question to ask at that time or not... was it a sincere response... none of this would concern a mature person. Its just pointless news that these journalists now have to cover. Lets talk about 16

I cant really get behind the “worst idea ever” rants when it comes to drink ideas like the crystal ball or unicorn... that would imply a risk. They already have all of the ingredients to make these drinks from their primary menu... Thats like saying a burrito bowl is a bad idea... if they never sold a single one of

Really cool tool... but not being able to jump over obstacles 2.5 feet tall with those base stats is a bit low.... Either way thanks for sharing it!

And now the weasle sneaks into Peaky Blinders with that annoying, whispery voice of his... i thought gurgle was the last word id hear from him....

Pretty sure you dont get to say, “but this time im right.” You either know what you’re talking about or you dont. So when the Cavs pick it back up, roll into the post season and clintch the conference then lose the first two in the finals, whats your headline then? “Before I was wrong but then I thought I was right,

If the hearthstone community spent their energy commenting about fun, possible card synergies and creative deck building when reveals are released and less energy just hate bashing every card that isn’t a 10/10 for 1 mana more people would have seen these great cards coming... but unfortunately next reveal cycle will

He got you to reply so... 10/10. But im with you totally! Ha

I doubt, that with an hour on google spent carefully selecting an example, that anyone could have come up with a better one.

Wow. It just never ends with social media. Writing a piece about racism when it should be about the sport... bet you just couldn’t wait for him to say something you could rouse up some comments with. Why don’t you write about something based in facts not saturated with your own insecurities. If mayweather wasn’t

Not sure why so many people keep mentioning McGregors retirement after the mayweather fight. There’s a reason it took so long for UFC and his camp to strike terms. They most certainly made conor commit to numerous fights should be fight mayweather. Win or lose he is too valuable. Sure he could go back on these terms

Ben Brode said what he had to in response to a community he cares about which is why he and his team are of the best designers in the business but he didnt necessarily speak the truth. Purify is overly fine. Not all cards serve the single minded purpose of ladder play nor should they. A good player would see value in