Nonsense. I think we can trust the man who had the vision to hire Mike Tice to know a good coach when he sees one.
Nonsense. I think we can trust the man who had the vision to hire Mike Tice to know a good coach when he sees one.
As someone who is also epileptic(though it has been dormant for over a decade), this is what I fear, just suddenly having a seizure and dying.
Well, the same author posted this about an hour ago…. So don't let that get in the way of your narrative.
"Here comes Paul. Look at Paul. Up and down he goes."
Who gives a shit. Unless you are a terrorist, why do you care if the NSA or whoever else is listening, they don't care about your conversations unless you are doing illegal stuff. Everyone needs to get over this, they don't care about your dirty calls to your girlfriend or telling your wife you are picking up milk or…
That seems a bit harsh. I really loved the article and just wanted to add what I've seen.
This article assumes that every bit of liquor/beer is bought and paid for by a customer, and as someone who works in a bar I can tell you that's definitely not true, or close to it. You have to factor in spillage, bartenders hooking up their friends (or even very regular customers or really good tippers) with…
Does this mean that we can expect a sixth season of The Wire?
I hate that there are no big meetups in the central US. That's such a shame. I think both Dallas and Austin could have great Molyjams.
so it's essentially $10 to play the bioshock 1 hacking minigame with a mario skin?
What part of Fahrenheit was grounded in reality or even remotely realistic?
It also seems odd that Cage says that each game he designs he tries to make an experience or different, when both Heavy Rain and Fahrenheit were (in terms of gameplay) almost indistuingishable from each other.
I'm actually really interested in…
Actually, it is 100% certain that the kid is a Lebron fan, b/c his shirt said "We miss you, come back in 2014."