Jamma Dan

If women’s sports were funded and supported as much as men’s are then the difference in the way they play their games would simply become irrelevant.

Ok, I have to ask,....you watch WC soccer matches,...or what?,...the half time ads? Cause if it seem similar, then prey tell what would be the cause of the vast different in interest level between the 2? let me guess,....most women are not interested in sports and the ones who are rather watch men’s sports if there

lolz, yea sure...thats why F1, WRC, DTM, NASCAR, Daytona, NASCAR is filled with women at the top ranks right? lolz...Men pay more for insurance cause we tend to drive at a faster speed and take more risk,.....ladies get it cheep cause even if you smack your car head on into the curb,....how much damage can you do