That Jeep may be hip-deep in mud, have a broken drive shaft and other assorted problems, but do NOT call it shitty. Any XJ that dies off-roading deserves our respect.
That Jeep may be hip-deep in mud, have a broken drive shaft and other assorted problems, but do NOT call it shitty. Any XJ that dies off-roading deserves our respect.
“I think the most important thing here is to make sure it’s clear that we are not tone deaf and we’re aware of a renewed focus on certain issues.”
the tight-knit SEAL community - a community which prides itself on quiet sacrifice and secrecy.
It’s a normal thing, with the Jets, seeing a fumble caused by an asshole.
Did you... did you actually read the article?
Coach must have a bad temper if it takes only one Kelvin to make him reach the boiling point.
I do think people have a hard time understanding civil disobedience. MLK and Thoreau disobeyed laws they thought were unjust, but they willingly went to jail, because they were confident that the law was wrong and would be changed.
I’m not sure the facts (simulations show that the US would have difficult time fighting a European-based war against Russia) justify the conclusion (the US government has bungled military spending).
Why I think it’s a hit and RF assist (9-6):
The Navy needs to just buy like 500 dinghies so they’ll all shut up
Surprised to learn today the city of Milwaukee has 125 million population.
“F1, however, is the grand old lady of the FIA’s sanctioned series. “
Uhm... This has been possible for years.
Reports out of Alouettes training camp say that Michael Sam was having a hard time adjusting to his role in the 12-man CFL defensive scheme, where teams generally employ a fifth defensive back.
So what that receiver stepped out of bounds at the 1-yard line? He ran 40 yards after catching a 40-yard pass and dodged all those guys. Totally a touchdown
I know that it’s Memorial Day and all, but did we really need an interpretive reenactment of the last time the Yankees beat the Royals this badly at the Siege of Yorkton?