
Tom, You totally aren’t in on the joke.


Tom Brady still rents VHS videos and doesn’t rewind them.


Can also outrun any of the three hybrid hypercars.

I think you might be confusing “sting operation” with “entrapment”.

it is common knowledge in the legal industry that reports like this generally are written for the benefit of the purchaser.

Appeared to be coated in a tacky substance and seemed spongy or soft when squeezed.

Such attention to detail from a guy who traded a first round pick for Trent Richardson.

I think Spyker did orange the best.

Wow, how imaginative. McLaren, please stop being a wuss and give us the glorious orange factory colors:

Even after all these years of employing Thomas, the Knicks PR dept still hasn’t figured out how to add “ Isiah” to their MS Office dictionary

They passed on it

Pretty fitting that the Seahawks didn’t bother to go that extra yard in their investigation.

Would it have been too much to ask that the home plate umpire give us a “he’s safe” sign after the summersault?

these guys should be the next top gear hosts

For some reason I’m not missing top gear so much. I’m too busy laughing my ass off.

Thats not in the Bill of Rights, neither is employment.

Floyd’s wives took more punches for a much smaller payday.

Gas is cheap, let’s enjoy this for now and let’s cross the bridge when we get there.