
Isn't that just called "darts"?

This man feels left out

If his tire pressure was correct, that would be possible, but with off like that, there's no chance of saving it

Now playing

I don't know if you can blame him, because of the 1.5PSI difference in rear tires, but using a traditional psi gauge and not a digital one it is hard to give him a pass.

Winston's lawyer explains:

"Thanks to the support of my tremendous family and friends, I have decided I will not be attending the draft this year."

Grow a sense of humor and stop getting offended on others' behalf.

contrary he's well liked and he's shook up the automotive journalism. I myself and many others like it. Rock on Mr. Clarkson. However people who do not like it are the the bosses at places like VW and other markets they do not like the exposure he's given them and their brands so Im sure there has been a push to get

Now you have.

I've been a Bill Simmons fangirl for a long ass time (partly because I'm as much of a homer as he is). He once wrote that Eddie Murphy's fame was partly what led to his downfall from the comedy peak, because he could no longer relate to common people.

"And then a garbage truck woke me up at six in the morning; its mechanical claw had mishandled a huge bin of trash and dumped it all over the street. And I asked of the Almighty: 'Really? A Raider?'"

I grew up in a house with 2 brothers, no sisters, with my mother and father. For some reason it never needed explaining to us not to rape people or respect their personal boundaries. We had our own, didn't want people violating them so we in turn didn't violate others.

Man, seriously? You can act stupidly tolerant as much as you like, but did you seriously don't get what magatsu tried to say?

I don't know if all of these moves will work, but I have a lot of respect for a coach who can see that he doesn't have the right mix of talent to win a Super Bowl and is willing to take big professional risks and reshuffle the deck. I can't remember the last time an NFL team made such wholesale changes at so many key

it is "dissipating energy"

Please see American Top Gear. Please retract statement.

Sounds like you need to watch 5th Gear instead. Clarkson is why we watch Top Gear.