Let’s be honest here: Who here....actually even remembers a single line of dialogue spoken by him? In either of the films? Like, do people even recall his name was Dave?
Let’s be honest here: Who here....actually even remembers a single line of dialogue spoken by him? In either of the films? Like, do people even recall his name was Dave?
Another Lie: Lincoln did not wage war on the South to end Slavery. He waged war to prevent the South from seceding from the Union in order to prevent the lost of the lucrative raw cotton trade between the South and the manufacturing mills in the North. Lincoln held the same view as the slave holding plantation owners:…
The real Mike Tyson authorized story is in development and will be announced in coming days. Hulu to announce stealing a black athletes story during Black History month couldn’t be more inappropriate or tone deaf.
We’re seeing the real-time effects of a declining empire. It’s a sin and a shame that it will be a confluence of climate change, robber baron capitalism, weak, short-sighted, ineffectual (now disputed) government and the far-reaching tentacles of long history of systemic racism (segregation, redlining, defunding Black…
I am so tired of America, for real.
Slavery Yoga: White people bending over backwards to ignore the horrors of slavery and modern systemic racism. Much like real yoga, it’s done so they can feel better about themselves.
Strange Fruit cold pressed with a hint of acai berry
One of the biggest protests happened today in Port Au Prince against a US and UN-backed puppet’s regime who is literally trying to replicate the Duvalier dictatorship and has assassinated, imprisoned, and brutalized people, and y’all wrote a vapid-azz piece on “Slavery Yoga”?
Oh, and also they got kids out here doing slavery yoga poses and shit.
A lynching in the juice aisle of a Whole Foods.
“Say ‘gentrification’ without actually saying ‘gentrification.’”
I didn’t even realize I had crippling anxiety until I started smoking weed. I thought keep track of every exit in a room all the time, was a thing that everyone did.
Isn’t funny how these “not racist” white people who write to complain about anti-white racism are always racist as fuck? They can’t even make their shitty argument without using racist tropes.
It used to be that rape victims were blamed for tempting upright men of God and somesuch for dressing in such a fashion that it caused them to rape in the first place. Or having one too many drinks that just overrides rapists primal desires. Or not saying ‘no’ quickly enough.
Swear to God, so many of our problems would be significantly lessened if white Americans as a whole had the capacity for the *right* kind of embarrassment.
Joe Manchin is a Democrat, and is the type of Democrat you can expect to stay in power by electing more of “Nancy & the corporate Dems”...
so i found out that the republicans ran into this when they wanted to push bush’s tax cut.
guess what htey did.
America is ghetto; it’s embarrassing.
Heh! Dude followed me around a bunch, posting what he really wanted to be harassing and insulting posts. Called me a “Bernie bro,” the whole nine.
Funny, y’know who used to follow me around and try to harass me for the mildest criticism of Sanders? Bernie supporters, circa 2016. :D