
People who believe that must be on grass.

I read somewhere that there was another deleted scene of McClain crawling in the air duct, with his white shirt. I think some dirt must have gotten dislodged somehow, leading to his dirty shirt.

I'll just have a coffee, thanks. Donuts are bad for me.

I don't get this disdain for a perfect steak, i.e. well done. Who wants to cut into a steak and see blood coming from the loin, the flank, the whatever? Since I do not wish to be seen as in agreement with Orange Pretender, I will henceforth have my steaks medium well.

No dogs were harmed in the filming of this spoof. However, many humans were killed. Normally we would consider this to be unfortunate, but they had it coming. They were shooting at a dog!

Here's a couple options: Handbrake which is shareware, and DVDFab which requires purchase of a license after a 30 day trial period. I prefer DVDFab, as Handbrake rips will sometimes have some audio synchronization issues and visual artifacts. However, in the case of slightly damaged DVD's Handbrake may occasionally be