
I’m pretty sure Hoover tried trickle-down economics at the start of the Depression. Why do poor people vote Republican? What’s the point of having the right to own guns if you can’t afford to buy bullets?

What is even crazier in that in three years all those players the Browns pick will most likely be out of NFL. They would have better drafts if they pulled names out of a hat.

The Browns were undefeated in pre-season.

This is kind of common. When I was a mailman we had to deliver mail to a certain area before sunset because it was dangerous after dark.

God I hope this happens. Being a Clevelander I know what it’s like to have the football gods constantly against you. This might break perfectly for them.

At least now they can vote in the Presidential election.

Sometimes parents have bad days and they need to vent. Plus I never understood why kids have to memorize and recite poems and stuff. It doesn’t seem to have any educational value.

Well the way Republicans run from the press yelling “fake news” whenever they get asked a question they don’t like.....I can see the idea behind the shirt. It’s tasteless but so are Trump supporters. Put them on E-bay. I’m sure they’d sell out.

I got a concussion back in June and I’m still not right. It’s hard watching these players get slammed to the ground and whatnot.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Al Franklin was hilarious!

This is what I keep hearing, but I never hear the photographer’s name.

If it’s third and long, you’re backed up to your own goal line and you’re under pressure what harm is it to just throw it down the field? Maybe you get lucky. If it gets picked off the other team probably starts off where they would if you punted on fourth down, and you don’t give up a safety.

Why does the Minn area have a weird strip going north?

The Milestone comics were really good, especially Icon and Shadow Cabinet. I guess being a DC property they don’t qualify for this list, but I highly recommend them.

I know I’m going to get blasted, but as I survived two abortions I have weird feelings about the subject. Is it really safe? Most babies don’t survive the process. And yes I said babies. Ask most kids that have taken biology “what is the simplest form of life?” and they will tell you “a single cell” which is what a

I don’t buy it. Some lower level employee probably decided the trade was a bad idea and “forgot” to hit send or plug in the fax machine or however these things get done. Whoever this person is should be bumped up to GM.

An accident? Seriously? How do these people look themselves in the mirror?