
Ratings are down. No surprise there. The Browns still haven’t won a game. Also they moved three teams. That’s three fan bases who probably are skipping football this year. Games played on Thursday, Sunday, and Monday nights are oversaturating the market. And people can’t stay up past 11 to watch the end. So if you

No one says anything about the cameramen kneeling.

They should just have the Browns sign Kaep. That way there’s no collusion. It doesn’t affect any playoff race. It won’t affect attendance (if you are willing to pay to watch a team that has one win in the past season and a half, you’ll pay for anything they put out there). It gives the local news something to talk

What is the death gratuity? I never heard of it. And did the father need the 25K for funeral expenses?

I just have a soft spot for those comics. They were really good. And I honestly think most back issues are better comics and cost the same if not less.

Yeah, I just can’t get over putting Cyborg in the JLA. He’s so embedded as a Titan.

Yeah, I just can’t get over putting Cyborg in the JLA. He’s so embedded as a Titan.

Hit the back issue bin. Grab the Milestone books, specifically Icon. Icon (and Rocket) were awesome, and were also in Young Justice.

Props to you for hanging in there. I quit about the time they changed colors. I don’t understand why everyone’s so focused on the QB. If he doesn’t have the talent around him, he’s going to suck.

OK. That makes sense, but would that tactic be used if there were too many people in the part at that time? I could understand if he was isolated, but I don’t think that was the case. Of course I’m not a cop and have no idea what course of action is proper.

Does anyone think a huge flaw in this system is the judges? I believe most judges are elected. When judges run for election most people don’t really research or vote properly, except the police unions. They endorse judges. The police vote for who gets endorsed. A judge that rules against an officer would probably

I’m not sure it definitely gets overturned. If the ball hit both the bat and just grazes the glove he gets the base. If it isn’t conclusive the call on the field stands. But what about the Tribe’s bullpen holding the line for eight innings? How about the grand slam? How about a pinch runner getting picked off second

How about that great pick off in the twelfth inning? That was awesome! I think that’s the play of the game. But yeah we’re a small market team so everything’s going to be about the Yanks.

To be fair NO ONE is successful with the Cleveland Browns.

There are so many things we can do to speed up games...

I don’t know how true it is, but didn’t Hoover use trickle down economics during the early years of the Depression?

This practice is distasteful. I remember Steeler fans “hanging” Vinny Testaverde before a playoff game against the Browns. (Yes the Browns were in the playoffs, but probably before most of you were born). Burning LBJ’s jersey was too much.

This practice is distasteful. I remember Steeler fans “hanging” Vinny Testaverde before a playoff game against the Browns. (Yes the Browns were in the playoffs, but probably before most of you were born). Burning LBJ’s jersey was too much.

Could this have an effect on upcoming elections? If I understand this correctly residents born on Puerto Rico are American citizens but don’t vote for the President. They have representatives in Congress but they don’t vote on everything. The citizens can move to the US and become voters junt by establishing a

Could this have an effect on upcoming elections? If I understand this correctly residents born on Puerto Rico are American citizens but don’t vote for the President. They have representatives in Congress but they don’t vote on everything. The citizens can move to the US and become voters junt by establishing a