Blathering Blatherskyte

“The new sign language has become “treatment.” These quotes, these air quotes. I will never see them again without thinking of you and your despicable acts. I don’t care how they’re used. I will always think of quotes and the word “treatment.” It was not treatment, what you did. It was not medical. There was no

Look, it’s Enrico Palazzo!

So its Eve Online: Analog edition?

Fittingly, since it only focuses on one theater, the approximate game length is 1/20th that of Axis and Allies.

Didn’t Gondor go to war to prevent this sort of thing?

Oh, you said HareDIM, not HaraDRIM. My bad.

The classic definition of a battleship (over a cruiser/battlecruiser) was that not only did it have big guns, but it was proof against its own guns. By that definition, you’d want to up the armoring, especially because one of the big roles would be to hang out in hostile waters with only some ASW help while the

Had a tremendous grilled calamari in Istanbul, at a hotel on the banks of the Bosporus - grilled it with olive oil and some mix of spices, and the sear on it was perfect. The whole slab was butterflied mantle, about the size of an iPad mini. Sadly, I think the place closed shortly after the coup attempts last summer

There are already three schools that pay their players, and no one seems to have a problem supporting those teams (service academies - every cadet/midshipman gets paid a monthly salary, in addition to the general scholarship being paid for in exchange for a minimum term of service).

If I were running a perennial single-bid conference, I’d be begging for the NCAA to make the play-in round all AQs. Why? Because it counts as another unit, and you’re playing against a team of similar caliber. That gives you another chance at money instead of having to take your chances against a random high major

Not even that - here’s the list, there’s only three conferences, and just one has an automatic qualifier (they take the top-12 teams ranked by roadtonationals.com). Typically it’s the entire Big Ten, the entire MPSF, and one from ECAC/EIGL (unless Air Force is having a bad year, in which case two from ECAC/EIGL).


Talking about labor unions in the south remind me of this piece from Politico (long read) about Roger Milliken and the rise of the Republican party (esp. in South Carolina):

No dog in the hunt beyond supporting the “power to the people” movement, but just wanting to flesh out the exemption talk:

You have to meet the “White Collar Exception”, which is a three-part test:
- Make at least 455/week
** AND **
- is the work you do “directly related to management or general business operations,” not

One of the problems is likely that specialization trend you’ve talked about. Imagine if Usain Bolt used his height and 100m speed to take a 60m run-up to the board and jumped? The truly fast guys, you don’t see that anymore - they go 100m, maybe the 200m as well, and that’s their “variety.” You don’t get a Carl Lewis