
“hurr durr he must have power bombed one too many tables” - approximately 100 commenters here. Eric Wood was a good pro, not sure if he’ll get on the wall at NEF though. Best of luck

Perfect Dark

Excellent analysis

He’s an enigmatic person of color with a lot of upside, but few tangible impressive results. He does a lot of dumb stuff which is great for this site. I’ve said the same thing in the past - why dedicate so much coverage to him? I’ve also never been allowed out of the greys to talk tennis.

I’ve watched it 3 times and still can’t figure out why Khudobin did a Roy-inspired pad stack there. He D man was cutting off the pass. Just go to the butterfly

Ales Kotalik

As a Sabres fan, all I can think is how he would look on Eichel’s wing. When he held out for a contract I was hoping Botterill would swing a move.

I don’t know about the “best defenseman in hockey” title, but he’s probably gonna be the highest paid hockey player in 18 months.

I posted the same thing down in the gray wasteland. Borgen made it for the Sabres, and Mittelstadt is tearing it up. He would easily be one of the 5 best players

How in the world did they not even give Casey Mittelstadt a chance to make this team? He’s currently tearing up the WJC and would easily be a top-5 player on this team

How are you not ranking the pet squirrel and crow?!?

Wait, it’s a crime if someone else drives your car while they’re drunk?

Drill truther

The Bills play the Patriots twice in the next month. They will undoubtedly be losing at some point in those games (Yeah they’ll probably lose both games). The move to Peterman was to see if he can throw the ball from behind with success, because Taylor has proven he can’t. The narrative that Tyrod Taylor is

WNYis plenty racist, but I’ll tell you this: even the worst of us would accept a gay Mexican flag burner if it meant we finally had a QB to replace Kelly. Tyrod is fine, but his record when playing from behind is

1995 Mercedes C220, 18 years after manufactured. The engineers thought it was super cool to design a car with one windshield wiper. On a February day in Buffalo, i was on the 190 while a wintry mix of rain and snow fell. While the wiper was at full speed, it said “no mas” and flew off the stalk. So there i was, doing

I was at the Sabres game when Richard Zednik had his throat sliced. They shutdown the game for 10-15 minutes to wait for news on his condition. When the word came over the PA that he was ok, the relief that came over the crowd was immense. In that case, they said that Zednik instinctively put his hand over his neck

I’m sure comments like this keep me in the greys, but here it goes anyway:

The Sabres have a better record than the Oilers, and Jack Eichel has 10 points in 10 games, which is better than Mcdavid, just for the record.

In Buffalo, we just fight tables and indecent exposure laws