“And I can’t think of even one top high-fashion model who is based there.”
“And I can’t think of even one top high-fashion model who is based there.”
it’s the other way around...nurrr nurrrr
Gay culture does the exact same thing. It’s all a trickled down concept from the whole oppression theory. That’s why this movie was genius. It showed that this horrible situation (again, metaphoric...not real...) is birthed from being horribly treated by men. Whether it was slum lord Keanu Reeves, or the “high class”…
There was wonderful allegory in the movie and symbolism. Maybe you and your friends couldnt directly point it out, but you could sense that there was something there that was relative to you.
Wait...but wait.
On the authenticity, Abbey Lee confirms multiple times in interviews that Refn asked for her input on casting/fashion scenes so that they would be real to the experience. As from experience I have seen girls in runway castings and they are treated terribly.
As for Los Angeles, there are tons of brands out here and a…
Thought this movie was wonderful. I linked it to the concept that I was introduced to by Ta Nehisi Coates in Between the World and Me. He outlines the “stealing of the body” where when someone is absued verbally, physically or emotionally or that they have their rights removed compared to other citizens...over time…