
....and, california has an anti-sovereign fund/black hole:

You’d think. I imagine this town as North Korea with better food but worse housing.

My bad--”independent thought” is just a trigger. I live in an area where Capitalism is a dirty word, where conformity of thought is demanded and everything is political. Carry on.

Hilarious that Governor Moonbeam is the wise old sage of the Democratic party here in CA.

Bad Democrat.......baaaaaaaaad. Not that Republicans are in general better--- they’re just bad in different ways. In my town, to discuss Bernie was to invite hellfire and brimstone.

I would love to see California try this sort of nonsense; it’s the Law of unintended consequences. We’d have video clips on the nightly news of all the wealthy and powerful getting their cars impounded/ticketed because they’re “special” and above the law. Then the legislature would try to slip in exceptions to the law

No, he said, “Necesito 12 ninos”.

...and yet, Jerry Brown/California has doubled-down on exactly this strategy. Except those new taxes go into the general fund because the state is broke. Democrats in the state have never seen a tax they didn’t like--because getting more of other people’s money is easier than sticking to a budget and being a

ShaneMorris, your real name is Becky, isn’t it? And I bet you have awesome hair.

almost? JK? I’d say most certainly.

Kids are knuckleheads to want it, and their parents are even less intelligent if they buy it for said knucklehead.

5th Gear: China Will Eventually End Gasoline Car Sales

Except America is not sending these cars. Bob Whiteguy is not foisting decaying wrecks on poor unsuspecting Mexicans. This is Jose Goodhombre buying them here and taking them back to his home country. To sell to fellow Mexicans. For profit (ewwww). I know, profiteering, but it’s OK, it’s not being done by evil white

Yeah, that and not the R400 wagon? If I can’t get diesel efficiency from VW anymore, they could have at least given me the R400 wagon. But Nooooooo, buzzy gas SAV $5K less than a BMW wagon. Of course I didn’t buy one.

god you pretentious douchenozzles Anglophiles and your insistence on calling a STATION WAGON a SHOOTING BREAK. FIFY

Speak for yourself. diesel wagon here. It’s not my fault BMW won’t make it a stick. And grey paint, not brown--I didn’t like the tan over black interior.

Exactly what I was thinking. 500K vs 488K recalled VWs? thats a swap waiting to happen. Humanitarian crisis calls for action. Anyone at the EPA and CARB interested in stepping up to assist fellow americans? Or not--they’re Texans after all. No one in DC or Sac cares much for Texans.

Love/hate. I love that manufacturers design the starter (presumably) to be more sturdy to withstand all the extra cycles--as long as I can turn start/stop OFF. Because I never want to use it on my car here in the US to save .4 MPG. Having said that, I don’t mind it too much when I’m in the UK but maybe that’s because

Thx, I will never sit at a slot machine ever again.

Product? Of the entire universe of engineered products and services, there is a very narrow band of services that require a PE stamp. And what’s the point of having a stamp if you don’t have the insurance to use it? If you’re in the public sector, by all means get a stamp--you will get paid more for it and chances are