
Did you really need to invoke the Roman Catholic name? Now the Proddies are going to go off on burning Catholics and such. #nochurchiness svp

British-isms confirmed. Favorite clip on Rolls:

Wouldn’t be so bad if these newfangled headlights were top quality, but they’re not:

Thanks for the Governor Brown talking points.

You should get our more often. New Zealand has the US beat hands down.

That’s mostly creative accounting. California IS broke but doesn’t want to think about it too hard:

ya, that whole “my kids will take care of me when I’m an infirmed OAP” has been way oversold, as has been the benefit of grandchildren. We’re not Italy yet, but we’re working on it.

“OMG! Becky? Is that you? How dare you smack talk my Porsh. It’s a Turbo and everything and it’s way better than your stupid Outty. What’s a Nordchef? Is that the new stainless stove that’s better than a Wolf? I’ll have one installed faster than you, bitches!”

The entire roundabout process is predicated on you, the driver, not being an oblivious dick. Which is why most Americans can’t wrap their tiny brains around it--we’re all either oblivous or pompous douchenozzles. Roundabouts are absolute cash cows for body repair shops, though. So there’s that.

Ya’ll are hating on diesel for the wrong reasons. NOx isn’t the big evil, it’s the small particle sizes emitted from modern diesel engines that are the problem. Back in the day, your upper respiratory system would catch most of the particles, if they didn’t fall to the ground first. These days, your internal organs

Modern common rail fuel injection won’t allow for home brewed fuel, unfortunately. Your 03 was nearing the end of that era.

Well done, Sisyphus. Never saw that coming.

What have you done with your life? Defintely not that. Noooooo, no no. Can you imagine the carnage should some of the internal plumbing let loose? My 15 minutes will not be on a gurney while social media records what’s left of my flapping bits, LIVE!

Black Ice. But I don’t live in cold weather--this is just a carry-over from driving in snow country.

Is this a southern thing? This is funny, unless that’s a real thing...

....at the expense of everyone below C level at the corporation? Agreed.

Responsibilities to employees have, over the past 40 years, gone from a significant priority to utter insignificance. Unless you’re C level and above, in which case your package has blossomed into a wonderful orgasm of cash, stock grants, perqs and improved tax treatment.

No one reads manuals. Have you seen them lately? Less than useless. If the software isn’t intuitive it’s also useless. Blame it on iphones. I see this all the time in instrumentation--no one reads manuals anymore.

Kristen, you’re just not trying that hard. I know it’s quibbling, but if you’ve got a wait staff of four but no personal chef, do you truthfully care that much about food? And $40K for booze? You’re slumming in the wine department if that’s all you’re budgeting. That should be your Bolly budget alone! And the