
cockroach-y comes to mind.....

IIRC, auto makers tried something similar in the 90's by trying to limit access to codes/docs to only authorized dealers but fortunately the independent shops won out. Otherwise, automakers would have loved to be in the position that Deere finds itself in. 

“tossed salad”, “salad tosser”, tossing in general = brits ROTF, Yank be like errrrm, doh? Similarly:

No one is demanding these EVs. The government of Germany and their automotive collectives have decided diesel must be dead thus electric transportation must be the best solution. This type of group think never ends well. Is your next car an EV? Not me...

Younger R2Dad: Take off the beer goggles--they never help in the decision-making process. You’ll thank me, and the ladies will thank you.

Grand Am pulling into commuter lane (65mph) at 20 mph not at fault? Turning indicator is not license to leave brain at home. I used to have a commute like this nearby down 101 and got life insurance just because the plethora of Grand Am drivers like this out there with no brains, no insurance, probably no

This happens on 880 constantly, and is the reason why it’s the worst commute in the Bay Area:

hunter green - f100

where are the diesels Honda promised 8 years ago? Look where Honda would be if their diesels were in the market when VW fell on their own sword.

Yuuuughe. Believe me it’ll be the yuuuughest.

Small problem--there is no cheap and easy way to clean up coal emissions. If there was, we’d be doing it and coal wouldn’t be the unpopular fuel source it is. Once China does the math, this will fade quickly. But on paper, it sounds great. Remember, China was building 40 coal power plants each year for about 10 years.

You are such a glutton for punishment. Note to self: When choosing a restoration project, better to buy a clean shell and buy all new parts than chase gremlins ad nauseum. I do not have the stomach for that.

...more like a chav lawnmower!

“My inverter is bigger than your little, tiny inverter.”

Dude, are you sure you’re not a Grandparent?

Nevada State Trooper be like, “why don’t you cool your heels here by the side of the road for the next 45 minutes while I do some paperwork, THEN write you a ticket”. Do not cross a Nevada State Trooper....

You’re rationalizing this d-bag’s behavior. Obviously he’s too important to wait in line, rules don’t apply to him at all, do they? These are real people in real cars, not GTA.

Karmic retribution! Wish I could have been there. These days, rules are for less important people so I’m glad they were enforced. I see this behavoir all the time on 85 north to 237--oblivious driver cuts off big rig, causes accident, still clueless that tractor trailers can’t stop on a dime.

LA. Laaaaa. LaaaaAAA. I cannot hear the siren’s song of the R—I am still butthurt all the 2016 Rs were swept up by the one dealer (out of about 5) in my area, who was charging $10K over list. So when I went to shop for a replacement for my 2.0TDI, the only cars I wanted on the lot were $47-$49K. So no, Rs suck. I had

Proof that 4 wheel drive will not save the incompetent. Someone must have spun, or had a buildup of snow pull a wheel into a bank, which they couldn’t get back out of. Instead of waiting for a tow, they abandoned their vehicle and left it to the tender mercys of Caltrans. Further hypothesizing, they returned to the