Wow, just think what kind of capital punishment I would have been in for now since I signed up Mickey Mouse for Graduation as a prank back in 1981.
Wow, just think what kind of capital punishment I would have been in for now since I signed up Mickey Mouse for Graduation as a prank back in 1981.
I mean, invasion of privacy and infantile sexist jokes aside, this clearly should have been the subtitle of this article.
I don't really get the big deal tbh. If there was actually a fake vagina inspection planned then yeah that would be creepy, but I seriously doubt that was ever part of the plan.
Thank you for being vigilant on this issue. This comes on the heels of the "Mandatory Penis Inspection" letter from San Francisco that you also had an article about. No - just kidding! Jez wouldn't dream of covering that. That one was silly, because boys were the butt of the joke, you see!
I guess you could just…
get with the times
Sure, ruin his/her future because of a pretty harmless prank played in highschool. I <3 Jezebel.
Wait...were they present her as anything but a person dancing? The assumptions an audience makes are not their fault or problem.
Wow! These people need to channel their energies into something a little more worthwhile. Raging over this simply isn't useful in any possible way.
...and that difference is smarmy. It's having it both ways. Case in point, and a related example: Bill Simmons is jabbed on here often for pretending that grantland is something it's not, an occasionally great vanity brand for Disney. Maybe BS has great intentions, but he has taken the money over plucky upstart indie…
Saying Rihanna caused all that sort of totally absolves all the ACTUAL people sending the death threats and rape threats, who totally were not mind-controlled by Rihanna to do so. I don't buy the idea that celebrities are fully responsible for everything their twitter followers do. That's just insane. She doesn't know…
The girl changed her background to a grinning Chris Brown. Lost any sympathy I might have had for her. Like suddenly domestic violence and assault are funny because someone gently mocked your admittedly outlandish prom dress? Go in, Rihanna.
I'm a Clippers fan: yes he did. By the way, why does Chris Paul always get a pass for late game turnovers or other fuck-ups? He was a steaming pile over the last 60 seconds tonight. Period. And it ain't the first time. He's great, but he can't hold a candle to either Tony Parker (still the most underrated player in…
Yes he did. Hit him on the elbow. Watch the replay.
Paul fouled Westbrook. He also fouled Steph Curry on his attempted game-winner in round 1. He also lost the ball and possession on a replay where Draymond Green fouled him, similar to what happened in tonight's Game replay, with the same result.
Well i can't find any video of it but first off, we have the Chris Paul kick that got him three free throws at the end of the half in a game earlier this series. One of the most bullshit calls i've ever seen, it was obvious he kicked out to draw contact and got the shots anyway. On top of that you have one of the…
No, your logic sucks. Yes, "people". I didn't specify women because men lie too. All humans lie, it's in our nature. Every single person has lied multiple times in their life. And that has to be taken into consideration. You can't right a wrong by justifying more wrong. That is just nonsensical bullshit.
Yes, people will jump to conclusions is that unsubstantiated bathroom graffiti is a rape accusation. Some people take rape pretty seriously believe it or not. I know, crazy, right?
You're so right. Being falsely accused of a heinous crime is totes NBD.
Actually, plenty of feminists on the site are already pointing that obvious flaw out. Even an editor. Can't blame those mras (...On jezebel??) For everything it seemsI
While I can totally sympathize with the frustration and disappointment that could lead to this, writing a "rapist list" in the bathroom is just not the way to go about things. You might start it with good intentions but it will only go downhill and good people's names will be smeared.