
It's rare to see negative portrayals of large cities on television or in the movies.

I don't know that that's a fair assessment. Lena Dunham gets plenty of shit for only having white people on her show. Friends got some grief for being white and exclusionary. And Jezebel has plenty of articles that tear Hollywood apart for being male dominated on and off screen.

Love how it's totally acceptable to rag on skinny people no matter what. If they eat too little, they're snobs, if they eat a lot and get flab, they're "cocky." A headline never would have run on Jezebel saying "DON'T GET TOO COCKY THICK PEOPLE"

Probably because it's an article about a specific topic regarding a certain type of lifestyle and there's a comment section? I could ask, "why the fuck shouldn't we talk about it?"

Ok, so now all that means is that everyone should be active and eat well. Sorry, being fat and thin and being fat and fat is bad. Can't get around it.

I don't know anyone who thinks that an inactive skinny person is, by default, always healthier than an someone who looks overweight.

What is special about her? She isn't particularly funny, or interesting, or charming, or thought-provoking, or...anything. I don't get it.

A bit confused by Jezebel's reaction to his, according to the Daily News article

Not all writers deserve to get paid for writing. Its great to want to be a successful writer, but its not a right. Presumably one should have a little bit of talent and something to say, and not just puke up some shitty "I'm so0000 much better than this amirite guise?" screed because one has no other insight to

Also, I wanted to loudly heckle the real life Philomena.

Did someone hold a gun to your head and force you to watch? If not, shut up. Good Gawd, this site just gets worse and worse with crap like this posing as content.

Listen to yourself: "He doesn't deserve an Oscar because I didn't see an exceptional performance." Not "I don't believe he deserves an Oscar . . . " Are you really as arrogant as you sound?

ugh the big bang theory sucks - I can't wait for the nerd loving culture to end and true nerds can get back to living in peace without posers in their thick rimmed glasses can go away. they don't even get it right. example: no self respecting nerd uses Alienware - its a scam for morons, yet Sheldon uses it? plus

Are you kidding me? Are you not an adult who understands how basic economics works?


This is most assuredly NOT what has happened.

Our prospect who art in Gate 7,
fallowed be thy brain
Thy pro day come, thy will be done
As a legitimate NFL draft pick

So, the fake cancer, the questionable twins that may or may not be alive (or hers), the fake suicide of a fake person, the twice mistaken date of the 'incident', the catfishing....

You have got to stop asking Kentuckians these confusing questions. This time, they thought you wanted to know their favorite type of penny.

Yup, you're definitely the most insufferable, argumentative twit here. When militant assholes like yourself start barking and snapping at every person who attempts to communicate with you as an adult, you do damage to the cause you're purporting to support. MRAs love bitches like you, because you're so easy to

There's no way for Oberst to win. If he did nothing, people would say he was guilty. If he didn't protest loudly enough, people would say "An innocent person would fight harder to defend his reputation!". If he protested too loudly, people would say he was on the defensive. Now that he's suing, he's being blamed for