
And I love Anna Merlan tries to paint anyone who'd disagree with this ridiculous, bullshit idea as "men's rights activists or fans of the penal system."

Unnecessary roughness doesn't have anything to do with whether or not the play is live. It's like when a defender goes diving headfirst at a ball-carrier who is on the ground but hasn't been touched down yet. All you need to do is tap him, diving in like that gets you a flag.

The joke.

True, you didn't say "every cease and desist."

In a case like this, the defense is obviously crap. Gang rape of an unconscious woman, with the level of planning and attempts to cover it up (like throwing the towel over the security camera), obviously this dude is guilty as hell.

Wasn't there a story here like two weeks ago where she complained about how she was
still getting attention when she just wants to be left alone?

She's trying to get out of her contract with Dr. Luke. In other words, not have to pay him. There's definitely plenty of money involved, and no, it won't "probably end her career." She's already an established "artist," and would have no trouble finding other producers to work with. If this was some struggling

Imagine all of the unprintable things the Raiders fans behind him were screaming all game.

Ah yes, the Palins can't afford community college tuition....as they ride around Wasilla in limousines.

Then it's dropping a 2nd-4th round pick for a one year rental in a lost season. I think that's pretty much the definition of a terrible deal.

Seahawks deciding he's not worth the trouble for what they're paying him. (He's always been a locker-room headache, he's injury prone, and he's not producing on the field.) Though I doubt it's a good move, since even the threat of Harvin doing something is worth it for an offense with not much in the WR corps, it at

The first paragraph is misleading. If you click through to the Buzzfeed story, it's really "slightly longer than inch, when STRETCHED while flaccid." So basically, if you pulled on his limp dick as far as he was comfortable, and it still wasn't really longer than an inch. As a man myself, I obviously had to do this

And, you know, it's also a classic tactic of people being sued for things they didn't do....

In that Vine, they all look set to me when the ball was snapped.

It's not that there's a media deal, it's the fact that there is no evidence, and the police waited so long to talk to the victim that she didn't remember the facts well enough, in addition to all the other shady shit the authorities pulled here. The only way that they could possibly take him to court now is if


Bynes' "disturbing behavior" (according to Madeleine Davies, anyway) consisted of wearing a Band-Aid in public, smoking cigarettes and talking to plants.

Weird, I would have thought all those "whuppings" he got growing up would have kept him from making such stupid decisions.....

If you feel the need to beat a toddler until he bleeds, you're a pussy.