
It's from a hardcore porn, as someone in the comments on the linked site pointed out. Fact-checking is hard. (This is not directed at you, but at Tracy and the editors at the other site)

If you pay off somebody to get rid of a claim, you submit a settlement agreement to the court, and the suing party is barred from bringing the suit again. You don't just pay someone off and HOPE they never bring the lawsuit again.

He's dropping the claims in Hawaii because it seems like just about all of the accused can show they weren't even in the state at the time, and Egan himself claimed he had never been there.

Except no one has paid Egan. He's dropped the lawsuits on his own, and all the reports say that he's free to bring them again if he wanted to. Which means there hasn't been any settlement.

But remember, anyone who expressed any doubt about this conveniently-timed lawsuit.... in the one forum where the statute of limitations hadn't run.....right when Bryan Singer's big movie was coming out.....must be a rape apologist and pedophile. At least, that's what the commenters here on Jezebel called me and the

"It's sexist!" Um.....no. It's women imposing ridiculous conditions on their "friends," forcing them to spend tons of money on the precious bride. Sexism has nothing to do with it. You aren't doing it because of some societal standard/expectations created by men, it's something that women are doing to each other.

Easiest route would be for the US to lose both. Otherwise, having the US lose one and tie the other (where Ghana might beat the US on goal differential, depending on the scores in the US loss and Ghana v. Portugal) And then the least likely would be for the US to beat Germany badly (since Germany currently has a +4

Well, Germany still has 3 points and looking for more, while England still has zero and is eliminated from the tournament. So.....pretty good?

The fact that you can't understand that I do understand goes to prove that you can't read and are just looking to rage against someone.. There are degrees of rape and sexual assault. It's a simple fact. The justice system doesn't treat all rapes exactly the same. A violent statutory rape will be looked at more

People certainly do challenge the murder victim's "credibility," in the sense that the victim's actions caused, or contributed to, their death. "The guy punched me first!" "He was threatening me!" "He reached inside his jacket, I thought he must have a gun!" "He was a black guy walking down a white neighborhood

Yes, idiot, I must be a rapist because I pointed out that violent rapists generally get harsher sentences than ordinary statutory rapists. You've got me!

That is to say..... Anyone who has sex with a 12 year old deserves to go to prison for a looong time. Someone who does so against her will, with force, deserves to go for much, much longer. I didn't think this would be a controversial idea.

Where's that one England troll who claimed the US would lose by 3 goals to everyone in Group D?

It's bullshit that someone who violently/forcibly rapes an underage girl might get a harsher sentence? Huh?

While a 12 year old certainly cannot legally consent to sex with an adult, there is a difference (especially when it comes to sentencing) between a case where the victim "consented" to the rape, and a case where the rape was forcible/violent. A forcible/violent rape will be usually be treated much harsher than a case

I have never been a blame the ref guy

Bahahaha. Where are those English fans who were trolling after the U.S win now?

Can't tell if Kirk Gibson.....or Tony LaRussa.

"You hate that we don't go around crying about people on the internet, don't you?"
