
Yes, credit card and phone records do still exist for things that happened WAAAAY back in 1998!!! INSANE, right? They're probably written on parchment paper with a quill pen, since they didn't have all this crazy technology we have now, like computers and such..... And yes, people might actually be able to

Ha, this site takes Craigslist Missed Connections as unquestionable sources of truth (if it fits the writer's personal view.) Comparing it to a high school paper is insulting to the high school paper.

The entire internet, minus the people who didn't bother to take 10 seconds to think about how bogus the entire thing sounded, because they were too focused on taking down Terry Richardson to care about that whole "truth" thing. The comments section on this site was especially ridiculous. Basically, if you questioned

"People like you are part of the problem".....

"All she did was tweet that screen shot." ..... No, that isn't all she did. After having basically the entire internet (other than Jezebel) come out and say it was obviously fake and that maybe she faked it, she started tweeting about how she couldn't believe that people would defend him, and that people were

"He probably looked the other way....... he probably knew about the parties too.....Probably got away with some stuff."

Also, if he were innocent, I fail to see how his twitter comments could be considered "publicly shaming" his accuser. All he says is that the allegations are completely made up. Which, if he were innocent, is nothing but the absolute truth of the situation. Where is he "publicly shaming" anyone in there? If he's

So, if he's innocent, he shouldn't come out and say that the person falsely and publicly accusing him of being part of a horrible child rape cabal is a total liar? He should just sit back and let that person's allegations stand unchallenged in every major news outlet?

Copy-pasting my previous response to someone else here:

This is the same Jaime Lannister who sat back and watched as his father had his brother's wife raped by an entire company/battalion/whatever of Lannister soldiers, and lied to his brother for some 20 years or so, telling him that his wife was really a prostitute that he had hired to take his virginity, and only

Maybe. I also remember Jaime sitting back and saying nothing as his father had a huge group of soldiers rape his brother's wife, and play along with the lie that the wife was a prostitute he had hired to give Tyrion a good time.

If you thought Jaime's rape of Cersei was "sexualized," you might just be the only person on the planet who thinks that. The entire scene was shot to make it seem horrible and brutal. It was done right in front of the corpse of her incest-born son, for christ's sake. Compare that to the depictions of consensual

Eh, as much as I know he's a vile creep, I just don't see Terry Richardson using..... Facebook Messenger... to do stuff like this. He has so much experience being a creep, I'd think his methods of creeping would be more refined. (i.e. the stories of him making models sign releases that supposedly cover his ass for

And just to be clear, it's not like the 4 movies she's been in these last three years have been great gigs. Unless you count "Machete Kills" and that movie with Kevin Costner as great gigs.

I'm just saying..... in the three years before she was in the movie with Depp, she appeared in 12 movies. In the three years since, she's been in four. That's some career Depp has "gift-wrapped" for her.

So I guess you know all the secrets of Depp and Paradis' relationship, and were there to hear him tell her "Sorry babe, you're too old for me." Because there's no other reason a relationship might fail.

One person in favor of gun control being a hypocrite "makes gun control look bad." So I guess this one Congressman makes everything about family values look bad to you too, right?

And funny, for a site that covers gun control "all the time," searching the site for "guns" gets exactly one gun control post from the past four months, about the Supreme Court ruling that men convicted of domestic abuse can be prohibited from getting a gun.