
He/she also apparently dismissed my comment, copy-pasted here:

I don't think Maggie is any better than Marty, and she proved it again with her actions.

Except why is he included in a group of murderers and ruthless tyrants?

So, the end result is dicks and vaginas that smell and taste like a skunk...... I'm sure this idea will be huge!

Well, his music is mostly folk-y indie stuff, with emotional lyrics (back in the day, he sometimes got unfairly lumped in with emo crap like Dashboard Confessional). I'd wager his audience likely skews female. Politically, he's very liberal (that is, an early Obama supporter who has lost faith due to things like

Ted Nugent is only "popular" with the sort of racist, misogynistic right-wing assholes who don't give a shit about rape (and probably secretly wish they could have a teenage bride themselves).

Um yeah. What meme is that exactly? That a rape accusation, true or false, can be harmful to your life and career? Yeah.....pretty sure you don't have to be an MRA to know that.

I know all that. I personally think they're both guilty. I'm just using them as examples where a rape accusation without any criminal action damages a career.

Kobe and Roethlisberger had tons of endorsement deals before they were accused of rape. They were dropped by pretty much all of them right after the accusation. And they weren't "aging athletes" at the time of the accusations. They were in their primes. If those accusations were false, and they could prove it,

Your last three are good examples of people whose careers weren't really affected by their rape accusations. But it's hard to argue that Kobe's wasn't. Just going by his talent and his championships alone, he would be all over commercials like Michael Jordan was and how LeBron James currently is.

If a famous person is accused of rape (accurately or falsely), and that accusation is made public (as it was here), it certainly will hurt that person's career. While misogynists might not think too much differently of him, most people will generally try to avoid being associated with an alleged rapist.

From what I'm seeing, the statistics for the U.S. seem to be a conviction rate of between 40-50%. This is a little lower than other violent crimes. However, these statistics include the cases where charges are filed, then dropped, usually early in the process (i.e. before jeopardy would attach). Here's the link for

Well, I may be wrong, but I believe the way it works is that the conviction rate for reported rapes is extremely low (one statistic I'm seeing is that only 18% of reported rapes lead to conviction), due to the difficulty in prosecuting many of these cases (i.e. he-said/she-said, lack of evidence, victims not

when there is such an extremely low rate of conviction?

Yes. You got me. I just love punishing rape victims. You are a genius.

My point is, you're admitting that you don't know what hoops the authorities may or may not have jumped through before taking this drastic step. There are numerous former/current prosecutors on here saying that the victim outreach, counseling, etc. that you are calling for are usually exactly what happens before any

I'd like to know what efforts they made to help her get to these meetings, first of all.

Um....big pharma is not behind the wave of parents not vaccinating their kids. In fact, the anti-vaccination loons are much more likely to sound a lot like your rant.

"Segregated" doesn't necessarily mean "solitary confinement," at least not in the sense you're probably imagining - that is, the solid metal box where the only interaction with the outside is when the guard slips a tray through the slot.

Can you stop pretending that you have to think thin people are being "oppressed" to think it's a shitty idea to judge someone based on how much they weigh, fat or skinny?