
Let me see if I can type out my thoughts on this "ugliness" of which I speak, in a way that might make sense to other people (No promises there):

"This is the first time I've seen misogyny by gay men addressed head-on." And featured on a site where the membership is mostly gay men, that would be a brave piece.

"This article is calling out a very visible and specific hypocrisy."

To me (and seemingly the other people in this comment thread), the issue is that this post essentially seems to be saying "Sure, the way some women treat gay men is problematic, but the REAL PROBLEM is how gay men treat women."

"Don't you dare say anything remotely critical of how women treat gay men. In this comment section, we can only criticize how gay men treat women. Get out."

This one time, I was lucky enough to be on the cover of a well-known fashion magazine. But then, this horrible website offered anyone $10,000 for leaking the original photographs, hoping to find out that the real pictures made me look fat and ugly. And then they kept on publishing stories about it....