
Good job on the article! OK other than being “white” why do these guys always look the same? This guy looks like the guys that protesting isolation in Michigan, which look like the guys that protest against stronger gun laws. They call everyone snowflakes but it always seems they are saying they are being victimized

You brought up the sons, which begs repeating the question, what the hell are they up to? Nothing on Twitter, no self unaware comments on TV, no pictures of them killing some rare and nearly extinct big game animal.

Mark 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if [it were] possible, even the elect.

A name on the lower back can help avoid those awkward situations of your partner calling out the wrong name besides hearing “Oh Gawd” gets a little routine.

Too many holy grails in one’s life leads to chaos and not peace in one’s life.

I believe most people, like me will give the podcast a chance out of curiosity knowing that the production values are good, the storytelling is solid and they might come up with some unknown facts, people will hang around 3-5 episodes. No offense to Jordan but everything else being equal people want to hear Woody’s

The lady’s quote )with one word emphasised by me) kind of says it all without any irony....

I have a feeling it was better looking without the frosting. I suspect this is one cake everyone involved wouldn’t have minded it was naked.

I was given two bits of advice: 1) If you can read, you can cook. 2) Cooking is like sex, start simple and with practice, experience and time you will get better.

I keep it simple, he just lies.

I suspect we will see a boom in UTIs, thrush and a shortage of antibiotics in the next few weeks and babies or vasectomies next year.

I remember his movie Gladiator about underground boxing, it was a pretty forgettable movie and he was the promoter/crime boss villain type in it and I remember the advice he gave one of the boxers about the top of skull being the hardest bone in the body and if you were in fight and wanted to break your opponent’s hand

I avoid the briefings so I didn’t see anything until I saw the video you included but what I did see is the comments on Twitter was Trumpers crowing about how Trump handed Karem’s ass to him, how rude he was to ask these type of questions of Trump.

Now playing

Like anything, in order to get people’s attention, a little sex is needed so I would respectively suggest this classic video for the discussion.

250 words vocabulary? The guy is being generous.

Blanchett really shines in this and she gives so much depth to her character, while you might not like everything she does, it gives you an understanding of the why she did things.

Good ideas for me to use next time if I was really hard up to get that”buttermilk” flavor.

Great! The Dems need to include Blacks in the political processes of our government and these types of programs/groups will help. Trump giving one sentence quotes like “What the hell do you got to lose?” shows he has no policy or thoughts to deal with what 3/4 of the country needs or wants, rather than giving red meat

Clearing the GOP didn’t think the election through. Their base is the most vulnerable group thus they were relying on them sacrificing their health, waiting in lines for hours in the inclimate weather.

Part of me thinks “Good for her” for dating a younger man.