I guess it all comes down to the lard and what do they do with it at night, do they strain it and use it the next day thus it’s chicken infused oil or do they toss it out and break out a new batch in the morning.
I guess it all comes down to the lard and what do they do with it at night, do they strain it and use it the next day thus it’s chicken infused oil or do they toss it out and break out a new batch in the morning.
This may give Trump ideas but he isn’t smart or patient enough to get it done and while his “supporters” might do all kinds things behind the scenes that would allow it to happen, Trump ultimately screws it up by babbling about it so everyone finds out about it.
Your 4 points were good but I would like to add 1 that we used and if the kids are starting to have their “own lives” i.e. start having commitments like sports practice, ballet lessons and other things that you as a parent don’t need to be there for and they can call you when they are done to either pick up or let you…
Bodice rippers and button busters lost their romantic flair when velcro started being used.
That Jeep is a beauty with so much potential!
Awesome news! I guess I better buy some Aqua Net hairspray stock because there is going to be a run on it in the cities where those upcoming concerts are held.
In my household, namely the wife was glad that Jennings won, she truly hates Holzhauer’s style of play and personality. She is very old school about some things and Jeopardy is one of them.
I for one look to see Leslie Jones act in some serious role in the future, because like most comedians (Williams, Martin, Colbert and others) when they play a serious role they disappear in that character and they can be the scariest or the most sincere character and that usually blows away the audience and their fans.
Considering what Trump and his administration tried to do to the census, people need to be counted and interested parties need to follow that data through so that accurate counts are recorded in multiple places. I fear that whole neighborhoods and counties data could be erased or deleted if there is only one…
I suspect there will be some lively discussions about film and politics now that he is in the room.
Totally awesome recipe!
Good for her! On a tangent, pleading ignorance, looking for clarification and don’t mean any offense with my question....
Sounds a little like Don Quixote, sure he got a record that will last until the next corporate sponsored vehicle beats it. His name will be faded a memory in a generation if he is lucky but debt that stays on your permanent record and lives on long after you pass.
All of this talk makes me think we need to change our system, two parties (even 3 and 4 run but aren’t viable) doesn’t do a good job of representing everyone’s interest whether its policy or some other tangible or intangible quality. The House (Senate is NOT) is closer to representing our country. Maybe a parliamentary…
Once again, I’m behind the innovation curve. For french frie reviving, I use a cast iron skillet, a grill press on high heat/flame. 15 years and no complaints.
Boob molds, one way to maintain good posture.
I’m sure where this fits in but....I saved this link just to keep in mind, that some of the work I do on my vehicle isn’t that hard compared to these cars. https://jalopnik.com/the-ten-hardest-cars-to-work-on-1578975283
6 days without pay? A mere slap on the wrist, we should remember his name and keep an eye for future travesties of justice as he will do something on a really big scale and with more social and human casualties.
I wonder if the evangelicals will support him after all he is done, if they do then they have truly become a people of transactions and not principles/beliefs. They don’t care what he does, they only care that he gives them a government ruled by the church.
I for one like how the different countries and their teams come up with different vehicles to attack the course, the same course that they all have to face and conquer. Especially making the best of what their country offers even better.