
No offense but I thought you got rid of all of the “lame” letters after when we read about that guy buying a $250 drink and wondered about tipping.

I for one would be OK if Trump’s properties were hit, he needs a lesson in sacrifice and humility (anyone remember how he answered that question about what did he sacrificed? and he said “I built things”). I worry about the people that work there only. If members or Tiger Woods gets hit, it makes sense in karma, they

Considering the year she has already had, I’m just glad no one tried to pee on her. Imagine the headlines and photos if that happened.

I don’t the history of this bridge but couldn’t they just close/not allow any “trucks” on this road? I know that they do that kind of stuff in New England, I have gotten stopped and turned around a few times.

I’m a little late to the party but I have to ask, when would growing pubes out of one’s face be their fault? Were you thinking beards because those seem to be the only scenario to kind of fit the phrase of “curtains match the carpet”.

Some many questions but I will just ask two parter...no trucking company that would volunteer their trucks or drivers to make these deliveries and not one of the volunteers had a pick up or two or had some coolers to transport the food on a “grass roots” level?

I always admired Princess Diana because of how she handled the royal situation as gracefully as she did when she was married into but now knowing she had a beautifully white smile in spite that she ate borscht on a regular basis. She was truly an angel. 

In my grocery store, most of the cashiers are in their 20's and thankfully I never had anyone invite themselves to dinner but I do get lots of positive comments about my selections as asking if this or not is good? The worst thing I deal with is them not knowing their vegetables, come on!  This is broccoli and these

Regardless someone is white or black or any other category, I shake my head when a parent has some kind of fame and accumulation of wealth and the children feel like they have some talent that we should pay attention to them as well.

If this suspect is in currently in jail, he may end up a victim of street justice a few times before he actually makes it to trial. This woman’s family ought to win a big settlement, possibly big enough to own the place that is taking care of this woman.

Can the authorities trace back via DNA where the bed bugs came from? I’m thinking Mar a Lago resort has experience with this problem and probably help out.

Wow, just wow.

I agree with the Nissan Frontier because I believe the buying public wants trucks in two different sizes; full and mini (remember that word?) and the Frontier was closest to the mark. Now with the Ford Ranger coming back out, I expect it will be on your list the next time you write it.

This article illustrates how the GOP care about “life” and say abortions is murder but once the baby is born, don’t care or want to do things like programs and healthcare that will help with their young lives and later in their lives want the death penalty.

So based on the article, there will be 2 suits being filed, one can expect there will be others as MJ seemed to be always surrounded by children. One can also expect the Jackson family to be doing all they can to transfer and protect any funds and royalties that his estate generates and as the reserve of those funds

I work with a woman that seems to always has “drama” in her life says she loves his music on an organic level, she calls it “an earth angel singing”. While she thinks what he did to the women is disgusting, she has no problem in buying his music.

Maybe a few civil lawsuits to drain his and parent’s bank accounts along with the punishment of not being affluent and working as maid and/or care taker for his victims and/or families would change his outlook.

On the bigger picture, one must remember that there is a difference between having bills/expenses and having debt. Once you get that figured out it helps figure out your payment strategies.

Pleading ignorance here but as I was watching the videos, I was wondering why and how Dr P (as a woman) couldn’t figure out a way to “attack” the cyst? Just have the guy put on some briefs and a sheet (for privacy) and put his feet into some stirrups (good for presentation of the area).

Alex and his game has helped me in so many ways as I grew up.