
I can see it now, Extreme Ironing on ESPN, The anchors talk of veterans and newcomers to the ironing game.There will be close ups on the iron, the furrowed brows, loud rock music montages, slow motion analysis of strokes, tips on heat management, the talk of injuries that are in depth and oh the nicknames that will be

When a mistake is made just use humor to get past it and move on.

Wow, that isn’t the first thing that pops into my head when thinking about white chocolate and coconut but hey that’s OK. As the kids say today “You do you.

I quietly watched the drama while at work, working in my cube on my phone and things went according to my expectations. The Dems being calm but firmly telling of the facts and the Republicans loudly rebelling and pointing fingers elsewhere. My covert monitoring was broken if not shattered by Hank Johnson’s clapback to

OMG! I have always been a person that didn’t want to have Alexa “always listening” functionality due to privacy/security issues but I would throw out my wariness of privacy/security in order to have Samuel Jackson profanely telling me or my family members what the weather is like in New York City or how many f-bombs

Its starting to look we are going to be getting a white president again, regardless of who wins.

I can understand the need for shin guards to protect against bumps and bruises but I didn’t realize that the absence or abundance of shin hair was an issue to warrant the shin guards. Things are different in my gym.

“the worm slides up to the chimney of its burrow and exudes a sticky mucous net from a ring of glands. Sometimes you can see these mucous nets, looking like decaying jellyfish, draped around the burrow entrance. The worm continues to secrete as it slips lower into the burrow, generating a slime-net that stretches

Like most movies, it romanticizes the world of assassins. The people and places in the movies makes them almost as believable as wizards and witches living in and around London like they did in the Harry Potter series.

Color me not surprised, it’s Arizona!

No offense, I wasn’t surprised.

With Trump becoming president and doing the things that he and his minions do, I realize that he ushered in a new era of class warfare for the GOP and the Dems. Not the class warfare of upper vs middle or even upper vs lower, it’s more basic and it crosses party lines. It’s those who have class and those that don’t.

This will be historic! Crossing the Rockies in the snow, move over Donner party and make room for the Tracy party.

White women? Sure they may be candidates but the RNC will not give them money as they historically give campaign money and support to a white males over a female candidate. Faux News has them on now but as soon as one them gains a little weight or looks a little tired on the campaign (as happens with most candidates

I thought the show was a definite good one. Sure the episode left people wondering/questioning what was going to happen with the “triangle” but the thing that peaked my interest was the brother asking about credit cards and then making the announcement about wanting to move out. What is he planning? Does he think he

I can see it now, she could get millions in her lawsuit, she will write a book and then I suspect we will see Sandra Bullock playing her in the upcoming movie on the big screen or Courtney Cox on the TV small screens.

Random selection?

Today, I learned never to read a recipe article on an empty stomach. My mouth is watering and I need to find some nuts STAT!

I can totally relate, each time after leaving each of my daughters at her dorm room and driving away, I never made it past the front gate before I had to pull over and let my wife drive because my eyes filled with tears and covered my glasses.

I wonder if this demoting and upgrading issues would disappear if ticket prices didn’t fluctuate as time got closer to take off? The example I can think of is chances are that 3 people sitting in the same row regardless their location on the plane each paid a different price.