
Its all a game, hospital and doctors submit bills with codes for the biggest payment, insurance companies look to pay the lowest they can for services/codes, sometimes not paying at all (depending if the patient or the employer is paying the premiums) and the patient is left picking up the difference. Sure there might

Leather is bad now? Isn’t leather considered a sustainable commodity?
I have a leather jacket, sneakers, chaps (a story for another time), boots, computer/backpack bag. Thank goodness, I don’t live near a college town or someone would probably throw blood one me.

Definitely not a cat...maybe an anaconda?

It’s my belief that the reporter’s perception of the Mr Rogers niceness was based on his experience of dealing with other celebrities who “worked” at it because it was their primary job. Rogers on the other hand seemed to come to TV as a hobby/second career and enjoyed it.

Sure green bean casserole might be a Thanksgiving standard but if the company “Green Giant” added some bacon to their recipe, it would become a side to the everyday entree.

I’m going to make a leap and suggest that this guy is incel. He may have won the lottery in the sense that he can’t get fired and he may even get a few students to attend his classes but I suspect the rest of his life will get worse as people will begin to do things to him that the college won’t. We might even see a

I know that we aren’t supposed to talk about “looks” but I have to ask...

Interesting, I thought for sure the story was going to be about the virtues of a hard shell taco (there isn’t any), only to find out it was all about arm position.

The testimonies have been damning, the evidence is clear but unless some folks decide to change sides/grow a spine/wake up, the house to put the matter to the Senate and they will let him go and then it will be up to the voters (and electoral college) to either put him back in or put someone else in. All the while

No, never cut back on the butter! Remember the 70's were a time of excess and one is truly wanting to savor the Thanksgiving moments, keep the butter and sugar.

As I read the emails, my first thoughts are that I feel bad for the employees at Trump’s resorts. They are brown people, they are most likely “illegals” hired by the sons and daughter of Trump. Trump likes the idea of brown people serving white people.

Alabama always seems to be the worst in some category or another; education, people on welfare, uninsured people, the list is endless yet the people in office can’t or won’t fix it.

This kind of surveys are great for the thinking type of voter, the one that looks at the candidate and their platform. What we need to address is the voter that votes on some other level; “I like his hair”, “I don’t like that she wears pant suits”, “he is the kind of guy I could have a beer with”, while they may be

I feel bad for the lady but totally support the ideal, we need to let people know that what they are “doing” is not good. This is the kind of situation where the internet and crowdsourcing could do some good, someone somewhere has dirt on Gaetz. He is the type of person that must have cut corners, stiffed or

Sounds like my idea/dream that I had years ago. Imagine a system that drivers could visually tag an offending driver/car on the outside. Neon green dots indicating offenses that other drivers spotted this particular vehicle/driver doing. Once you get a certain number, the dots turn red and a nearby officer gives you a

Based on my bad memory of a magazine article, I’m thinking he is going to run into many different groups of people when gets to prison. Hopefully he will be able to make the proper adjustments.”

I guess the days of humble servants are over.

Never ever go to Black Friday sales! The online sales are competitive and don’t require going out in the weather and the crowds. I learned my lesson several years ago when a store I frequented (prior to the holidays) ended up CNN showing shoppers being violent and someone being shot.

I say good for her! An athlete’s career can be over in a blink of an eye due to injury or political whim. Now she gets $600K a year, she just saved herself 15+ years of possible injuries and some possibilities of a decent life after soccer.

Sure that couch is unsullied, she is never home and if she is, she has people to keep it clean if not spotless.