
I for one, believe that Miller’s hatred of people of color, immigrants and everyone else that isn’t white is one that was formed at an early age.

I must have missed it but why does he wear a cape?

Yep, it is nice to hear confirmed/reassured that Tom Hanks is what everyone sees, he is a nice man, a great human thus he can play good people with ease. He restores my faith in humanity.

Nice to innovation in the food industry! Now if American milk industry could seriously consider getting rid of the milk cartons and use milk bags like Canada does.

I think what ails our country is lack of diversity or lack of reflection of their population in areas of authority. If and when that happens, I believe that things will get better.

Sounds good but I would respectfully suggest putting in chopped up bacon bits into that gravy. Sure gravy needs to be smooth but the little bits of bacon just add another delicious layer to everything.

These days everything and I mean everything has a political spin/bent to it.

Come on New Jersey, you guys got thumbs!

Not in public ? Yep, that word just seemed to roll off the tongue too easily.

Call me a grump but I for one, don’t like the idea of having people meet arrivals at the gates.

Looking at the top picture, I have to ask...why did you “park” nose in instead of tail in like everyone else?

Salty is right, snitch. Snitch to everyone, local, state and federal authorities. If they are doing this, most likely the management are doing so many other things with the drinks, food, vending machines, wait and cooking staff.

This young man by election has earned the right to say “OK Boomer!” If one of his fellow board members gives him “you don’t know how we do things” talk.

Years ago, working for a male chef, it felt like you are part of his team. Working for a female chef it felt like we are all on a team.

Some people, just make a bet. You wrote a story that pulled me in and I believe everything will happen just like you said. You forgot to say it happens in Jersey, everything happens in Jersey or Florida.

Obviously these people haven’t been on hold waiting for HD’s customer service when they mess up an online purchase.

Is it just me or does Guilfoyle look like Melania substitute ? Maybe Junior have a thing for his step mom. The Lannisters and Starks got nothing on the Trumps.

Who says size doesn’t matter? Small whisk and small cooking projects become one with the universe.

Already being spun on Faux News, rowdy, rude college elite liberals heckle Junior and former Faux News anchor.

I figured this much from the trailer so no surprise there but it does make sense since she ate the last one presented to her.