
My statement may be prejudiced but I am suspicious of anyone’s motives or agenda when they wear pearls.

Regardless of what happens, the student players will make the least amount of money, heck they may end up owing money for some of these endorsements. Everyone else will make money over fist if this thing happens.

After watching the video it reminds that regardless of the title of Joker or not, Heath Ledger was the best villain. Leto’s version was a waste of his “talent” and waste of film.

Something about Miller just irks me. I wonder why no one has basically reached across the table and beaten him for some of his ramblings. As long as he stays on Faux News he is safe.

OMFG!!! I would have loved having one of these!

I guess this means beer prices are going up again, any higher and I’m going to need a cosigner for anything after the 3rd inning.

Once again, I’m a day late and a dollar short to make any money off my college career.

I could see this kind of stuff working into a major animated movie like what Ralph Bakshi used to do.

It feels like another binge weekend is coming up.

I think we see a definitely “minus” for the idea of a house with open floor plans. If there was proper rooms with walls, that truck wouldn’t have made it past the coffee table and stopped short of the ottoman.

This car seems to be in pretty good shape but looking it and its stance, it has “seen some things” and no matter what happens next it will make it through it.

It makes sense, if and when Romo qualifies for a PGA tournament, CBS will take the opportunity to “mic” a player during tournament play and give the audience an “insider’s view” of professional play. I believe something that die hard fans would love and (I believe) the Golf channel has yet to do.

I remember when the movie and the character came onto the scene.

I guess Frankie just turned the Paige for Lizzo.

Nicely said! Would give me you more than 1 star if I could.

“Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable.”

This kind of thing makes me wonder if Democrats should give up being “fair/compassionate/liberal/progressiveworking things through the legal processes and begin “weaponizing” their political strengths and fight fire with fire and burn the GOP at every opportunity.

If the things mentioned on the news are correct, the line/order of succession will be tested. All I can ask ...

I thought we had a REAL patriot here but it appears that isn’t any misspelled words so this is definitely a case of sarcasm.

An obsession of urine? That might explain his ill fitting oversized suits, ill fitting to cover the use of a diaper.