That sounds like the kind of thing somebody says before getting slapped.
That sounds like the kind of thing somebody says before getting slapped.
Similar to the bloody nose I got while trying to bring all of the groceries in from the car in one trip.
What’s truly impressive is not just that he stole the show from Costner... But from Morgan Freeman. Seriously. Morgan Freeman would have been the guy if not our good Sheriff.
I literally can’t think of anything else. Alan Rickman brings the awesome in everything
Welp, you nailed that one. Game over.
A few months ago, my husband walked outside and noticed a squirrel in a tree chewing on a the head of a dead bird. The squirrel then dropped the bird, ran down the tree, retrieved it and returned to its perch on the tree branch and nom, nom, nom.
She turns into a dragon in Once Upon A Time, too. That's odd they wouldn't do it here, in a movie specifically about Maleficent...who favorite Disney villian.
I'd much rather take out the cartoon Maleficent for dinner than the girl who played Lora Croft.