
long running mangas like One Piece and what used to be Naruto, then Shippuden then Boruto, they create an emphasis on world building, who’s this kid, where he comes from, what makes him tick, they roll with it, and developed a full cast, an ensemble cast if you might, that is not around the protagonist, but actually

i have driven high as fuck, or even smoking in the car, either a joint or from a hand made bong, from Huntington station in long island NY all the way to north bergen or west NY in jersey, never for the life of me, like never ever, have i had an accident, or something close to it, and i mean, driving in manhattan to

the reason solo tank it was the character handling, it wasn’t what the nerds star wars uber fans that still miss the old books characterization, that’s the only reason, what outside of USA is called a white people problem/1st world country problem vs 3rd world country problem, stupid shit make it ugly

it was the handling of the characters, old nerd fans that never grew a backbone to confront life got to nitpick it apart ever since the casting began, they wanted scorched earth tactics after what disney had done to their beloved universe and how they went and murder their ideals and whatever they hold dear, they

ultimate thor perished, ultimate namor was last seem when the thing killed Doom which was ultimate sue and bobbies mom, don’t ask, but he was in a tank, it was after ultimatum, when it was shown that sue mom mess up with an hank pim ultron butler that ended up killing ultimate scarlet witch “out of jealousy” and

basically, manga?

in ragnarok, the way Hulk looks, is the same way he looked when wolverine was split in half and betty became red she hulk i think, savage hulk it was called, by one of the writers of lost and star trek into the dark

they sacked Bill jemas (the editor in chief that spearheaded the ultimate line to retool/relaunch the heroes of the comics while Arad was trying to recoup their investment from bringing marvel comics out of bankruptcy while pitching movies (it was basically created out of the blade movie earnings), so basically going

following Ultimate headcanon (as most if not all of MCU is based of the ultimate universe save for some things like fury being hurt by goose instead of wolverine for example), Ultimate Misterio was sort of like a avatar for 616 Misterio, don’t ask, it was how spiderverse came to be originally, since 616 spidey ended

Disney don’t want anything to do with MaryJane (as in marijuana/weed) due to the current cognatations, and who are we to do if said Disney had a clause that in the event of doing X amount of money back for X production (a Marvel Studios film paid and distributed by Sony in this case), it allows them to continue

California has one of the first responders bigger system in the whole fucking USA, next is NY, so if a fucking emergency is being declared, it had has the medium on how to report them since before the advent of smartphones, and usually California is one of the first state to actually make any meaningful effort to

Disney now owns what it used to be called LAPTV (Latin American Pay Television), Fox used to handle ALL of foreign TV distribution out of Chile, then Colombia/Guatemala, for ALL, like Warner Channel (the CW equivalent) was run by Fox Latam, HBO, Fox Latam, TBS, run by Fox Latam too, Disney Channel, MTV, you get the

when Steve Jobs was alive, he partially owned Disney, being the largest shareholder (with almost 8% of shares, way more than Roy Disney back in the day), his studio (Pixar) had just been goble up thanks to the rapport build between hin and Bob Iger, he spearheaded the Marvel purchase, and was still good friends with

yeah, latinamerica and asia were a torn on disney’s end while trying to close out the buyout of fox, they were mad that lost sky since they could have taken directv in latam (parts sky and parts directv), but oh well, business is business, by march 20th is gonna be disney plus fox and that’s that

TV/Merchandising rights are on Marvel Inc end, Live action productions are on Sony’s end (not for long), things like “Into the Spider-verse” fall in between, anything else needs to be renegotiated with Marvel per se, since they are the owner of the mark, not Sony, Spider Man PS4 was a new per contract basis from

latino, mostly carribean, you can see it, and i believe someone say something regarding that once

ok, listen, here's the deal, it's a fucking tablet with a USB-C port, that runs windows (albeit tablet version which anyway you can upgrade to normal windows), it's a tablet with better battery life than any laptop in that pricerange, a fucking tablet that you can add a fucking keyboard if you so like, i mean a

kimcartoon dot me

they might do the ultimate venoe origin mix in with the alien symbiote, in which eddie's dad and parker dad created a suit to fight cancer, that became alive by fusing with parker, but actually is killinh eddie slowly, twst thay to being the alien symbiote we know and love, but leave the rest (eddie gets crazier by

america is a fucking continent, from Alaska to Patagonia (Argentina), spanish, portoguese, french and italian are spoken for most if not all people, english is a second language to most, the most spoken language in the “AMERICAN CONTINENT” is spanish, spoken by almost a 3rd of the USA population, and an amalgamation