
the idea goes like this, Thanos is powerfully overkill, with or without the stones, the only reason he overpowered thor was because he assaulted them right away, hulk was put away by loki waiting for the right moment to strike, but once again, thanos is fucking powerfully overkill with or without the stone, hulk was

so after 8 fucking movies, two fucking television series, one set between episode 2 and 3 and another between episodes 3 and 4, and a whole lot of fucking comics and books and retcons, when is it time to be bold?, when would it be the perfect time to break with the same and do the “why haven´t they done that

supposedly is banner tho, they even show him fixing it

or reshots that marvel requested to sperhead to sinergy from one universe to THE universe

building a trim is, they don´t use heavy fucking petrol motors, the motor for those one goes on the axle, with the batteries, so the whole electronic and electric work is the one that´s hard, is not the same to build a mechanic car that´s been on the marker for over 100 years over an electric car with an all electric

i have a brilliant idea, fuck all of the whinny little cunts on the US, bring the factories to central america, pay half of the money bring a boom to the economies of those 3rd country world, and push a hella bunch of fucking cars, see, easy explanation, economics works like that, it began with outsourcing car

all of us are pedobears at any point in life on any given day at any given time it just a matter of semantics and the way you look it most old fellas crave young immaculate bodies the same as old dames crave young boys, it´s been there all along and now all of a sudden everyone freaks out...

he was being sarcastic, the tweet, of course they missed the point the beat everything that make those characters something recognizable, that´s what it meant all along

pinewood studios, or as they call it “marvel lot”

marvel is thrill with deadpool, they are so happy they new boytoy ryan reynolds is making buck with this asshole of a character, and feige knows it, it was his idea to begin with supposedly, and the sack out wasn’t, since he was all about savings, deadpool is a character that his right slightly change after his

the top 4 are amazon, google, facebook and microsoft, the last one spearheaded the other three and originally heavily invested in all of them, google got the most out of it to become the incumbent search giant while microsoft slept on their laurels, amazon, well, who the fuck would want of his info about things he

says you, machete killing just happen on the countryside, slays at the most, since 1997, 5 years after the peace accords, remember, we got out of a bloody 10 year civil war less than 25 years ago, beheading has never been a thing over here, and if it was, again, only relegated to the countryside

i know they teach jack history in the US, how Abraham was a great american that united a whole nation to became the united states that we so love and defend, but yeah, most countries in the 70´s to the 90´s got a hell of a lot of interference from the US, remember after the second world war, the fear of being one up

i kno right, i was there for like an hour and was, damn they do complain a lot, and no they´re cubans and i´m not italian but salvadoran xD

“estimated” as, we think it might, but we only thing, we cannot be sure, tell me, how many companies have been found to just make up their earnings, facebook is one of them

shoulda been a trilogy, and yeah, Fox Quicksilver is nowhere close to what quicksilver really is capable off, is too fucking overpowered, and they complaing about MCU Quicksilver which was a really good live action representation of Ultimate Quicksilver, since most of the MCU is ultimate related less thor and GoG (is

my argentinian and brazilian friends had had it enough about the mexican comparizon to be honest, is that bad, mostly stupid white people cannot discern between different ethnias, let alone countries

it all began with last stand, then first class came, and they took the director away since singer wanted more tight control, see how that pan out for him with apocalypse

mostly manhattan an beerverly hills, the rest just gets scraps and FL is full of retirees complaining about those damn mexican, even tho theyre cubans and more educated than them

the typical “oh so how i wish she was the main chara” and tend to overlook “this is a story created by the creators is not my wishful thinking, not everything has a reason, it just happen to be like that”