
Sony is insufferable. They lead Xbox in marketshare 2:1 or better in almost every market except the US. Hell, it’s more than 95:5 in Japan. They’re just being pissy about a game that has already been guaranteed to be on their platform for more than a decade into the future. All this does is make them look weak,

This article is unbearable, and might finally be the tipping point for me to leave this site. AI art is a tool. Saying it spits on “real animators” is short-sighted, and reeks of people that refuse to adapt to the times, like anyone saying that Photoshop, filters, or digital animation weren’t doing “real art.”

The article is just drenched in outrage. This is on par with the kind of burn-it-all-down writing you find in response to a tweet about how maybe a 25% tip for take-out is a bit much.

Don’t be lazy - posting some pics of the different kinds of anchors would make this article way better.  You probably could figure out how to make a slideshow out of it!

this is some BULLS**T -- No one seemed to give a crap that Activision and EA both got big by gobbling up all their competition over the last 30 years. Now all of sudden people care just because Microsoft is in the picture? You know how many great franchises we lost to Activision and EA over the years?

I find it ridiculous that the CMA can argue that this deal would hurt competition while continuing to allow Sony, the market leader to practive anti-consumer anti-competition practices. If they don’t want to approve the merger, fine. But go after the market leader and their practices of making third-party games and

if the truck driver was really just sitting there waiting for a green light doesn’t make him at fault? You have to be sure you can cross your entire vehicle before attempting to cross any kind of intersection right?

And what Sony still does? Fuck yes they should.

Reading the.. case filed. Im not sure the people are in the right head space. most of these are weak arguments. I believe they are filing simply to stop CoD from falling under MS’s control. Which again, weak argument. 

There’s keywords that some people use that lets me know immediately they’re an idiot. “Woke” is one of them.

Oh, cool! Good thing I never got this mediocre game then!

Listen, if other folks are like my D&D groups, it’ll take us weeks to get out of a 60 square meter setting, so that should be fine.

Came down to find this exact comment and support it. This narrative that Kotaku has had about Game Pass the last few months is really, really strange and does not line up with reality at all. Has Microsoft had a ton of first party games? No, but that’s a different conversation than saying Game Pass has had “no marquee

1. extra shirt
2. deodorant
3. book or magazine
4. sleep mask
5. noise-canceling headphones

Let me pull your bootlicking ass out of the greys for a tick...

“Policing is a difficult, dangerous job”

I’ve spent a couple months in Germany. One of the big things that Germans get that Americans don’t is the idea of being an adult.

None of that power on screen came for free, none of it. 

If your gut reaction to this is to get defensive (like many people in the twitter replies) then it might be time to start examining your personal bias. 

So close. If it was 4K120 they'd have my money.