
Hades just crashes to desktop for me since the last update. I’ve reinstalled it and Epic launcher to no avail. Assumed the new patch would fix it. It didn’t.

And why is the wifi only 2.4 ghz? Is it still 1994 inside this machine?

I think it depends on a ton of things.

I think it depends on a ton of things.

Literally the moment I saw this ad, I thought it was bullshit. A six second Google search proved it was spurious at best. I was actually mad about it for a few days, and am really glad to see this misleading ad pulled. 

Hey Netflix, stop trying to make Krasinski happen. It’s not gonna happen. [mugs for the camera]

Hey Netflix, stop trying to make Krasinski happen. It’s not gonna happen. [mugs for the camera]

I have irrational globophobia so I’m perfectly and fully on board with this ban.

I was gonna ask why this idea and the name sounds like it came from the mind of a nine year old. And then I realized I already have my answer.

When you don’t like history, just change it. Better yet, ignore it! That’s a great idea! What can we possible learn from history, anyhow?

Agreed. This article has me more encouraged about the game. I didn’t want a Witcher 3 in the future. I wanted a Cyberpunk pen and paper RPG but brought to life as a video game. From what the article describes, that’s what we’re getting. It was an RPG with guns and violence and cybernetics. I’m a little confused as to

All of this is so completely horrible. I’m not some disillusioned jingoist, but I liked to believe in people, and thought America was a pretty great country. What this administration has shown me is that people are just as horrible now as they were during the Civil War. They haven’t changed, they just went into

Followers or not, awful things are gonna happen to us all equally.

With those sticks up their ass, her family and guests don’t need chair backs.

They probably did say Defense:

That’s actually the Bumblebee and Starcream I wanted to see in the original films.

You describe a film I would watch, and summed up most of my feelings about the State of Star Wars in the process. Fett was never anything more than a cool mysterious badass, and like all things Star Wars, they robbed him of that just like they did to Vader and Solo and Maul, etc.

I’m sure no one cares about my opinion because I barely do, but I also assume I’m a sample of why people didn’t see this movie.

yeah, I hate when people try to prove science with math.

“it’ll likely go down as the hottest May on record for the country.” ... until next May, anyhow.

This, for me, is where all these spinoffs fail. Han and Boba Fett and Darth Vader and Darth Maul, etc. are all cool because they’re cool, and dark, and mysterious. As soon as you explain them, they lose that mystique, and become kind of dumb. Anakin and Jango Fett make Vader and Boba Fett just two more boring people.

As a devout in the faith of Bellisario, I hated this idea before I started the video. But honestly it’s different enough, while same enough that I’d probably watch it.