This was such a huge diversion from their logos, and looks terrible. Whoever approved this should probably start taking their meds. I think it’s supposed to be a comic page turning, but it’s just so bad in every single way.
I don’t think more TSA people is going to solve the problem. They need to find a better system.
I still have a hard time understanding how the app the images are taken from manages to compress them to the point that they are practically unreadable. These are 30k jpgs. How much more can they be compressed before it’s a single gray tone blob?
Logic and reason in a Gawker forum? Only in Jalopnik.
I don’t think the Killzone figures are bash, either. I think this guy may have his own 3D printer, but is very talented.
Until this reply, I thought you were being cleverly sarcastic. Now I see that is not the case at all.
I traded a truck I spent time and money modifying myself for one that came factory with all the things I’d added to my old one. I love the new one. But it still doesn’t feel as much ME as the old one did.
Please. ANYONE but him.
These action figures look terrible. The proportions are all wrong, and those joints don’t look like they’d articulate at all.
To be fair, there IS an April 31 in Norwegia, where the developers are from. They use the Bjorkian Calendar. There’s a huge festival for it on Septender the Eleventieth.
I am clearly in the minority, but I am not impressed with GoT season 6. It really feels like rather than follow plot points, they are just arbitrarily killing people. Yes, GRRM killed people liberally, and it was usually a surprise. But this feels like “I don’t want to chase out this plot path. Lets just kill this…
I apologize, I was incredibly unclear. I love games like Diablo and loot-driven games. I love that I will probably get garbage, but just MAYBE get something awesome. That MAYBE is what keeps me coming back.
I read some of these back then and liked the idea of Civil War but not the execution. Your summary actually makes it sound pretty good.
This is how I know I’m old: I can’t even comprehend how someone can think this would be fun. There’s no challenge. No skill. You reap endless unearned rewards and eventually have the best stuff mathematically possible. At that point, the only thing left to do is quit playing, or make everyone else in the game as…
The thing is, none of these music services are much better than the others. I’ve used iTunes (biggest library, worst user interface), Spotify (easy to use, decent amount of music, little customization, bad discovery), Pandora One (great new music discovery, tiny library, easy to use, you will eventually hear…
It’s a well designed game, looks great, has great control, and awesome music. That said, it’s hard as fuck. I only played it about 90 minutes before deciding it wasn’t for me. I don’t like games where I have to do the same thing over and over.
I haven’t played 5 yet, but historically Guile’s moves did more damage than Charlie/Nash. He was the slow and methodical version like Ryu vs the fast and flashier but less damage Ken.
Do most Americans know the difference between a Chinese actress and a Japanese one? Or do they just want someone “Asian”, or “More Asian than ScarJo”?
I’m an idiot, and I knew this much about quantum computing. I think it’s time someone gave me a country to run.