
my Dakota was a 6.2 V8 and got 12 miles to the gallon. A better, more rugged truck, but my 2007 V6 Tacoma gets 19-20 MPG. I need something more than the V6 offers, but I have no need for a giant V8 full size. These manufacturers worry about cannibalizing their full size market. I guarantee there is a market for a

I've owned 4 midsize trucks. 3 Tacomas and a 99 Dakota. If they still made the 99 Dakota, I'd buy it 100x over the Tacoma, and I love my Tacoma. The Dakota just had more everything in every department. Too bad they went to that horrid 4.7 engine, and the hard to look at body styles.

This article is pretty misleading. Drivers for the standard XBO controller on PC have been out for a reasonable amount of time. While I'll agree the 360 wireless dongle and controller are better for PC gaming, it's not very honest to say this new controller "may be too late". It may not be the best use of $60, but it

based on what I've played of Destiny, this probably means one boss with so many hit points, it takes 10 hours of shooting to kill.

I'll try the PvP again once I'm max light level or whatever. It's so painfully unbalanced right now I would only hate it more.

if only there were as many loot drops in Destiny as in Borderlands!

I played Warframe for the first time when I got my PS4. If there ever was a rocky start or bad/no tutorials on PC, I never experienced it. I have some friends that tried it on PC and told me it was horrible.

I hate to say it, but Warframe probably has a lot more longevity as a game than Destiny. Destiny is the new Titanfall. Great game that you can see everything there is to see and do in a week. I've played twice and I'm at the level cap.

Another vote for 4x4 Evo 2. Add to it that it allowed you to race with other platforms and consoles, and you have one of the best games of all time.

I was perusing the PS4 avatars yesterday, and sincerely none of them resonate with me. I'd be happy to stick with the default square smiley face than end up with one of several dozen anime/RPG faces. What really struck me about this is that the systems both make assumtions about the types of people that will own them.

Yes, I'm sure they'll do just that, because I'm certain Activision HATES money. Seriously. Why do you think their doing Sony exclusive advertising? Money.

While I know EA doesn't have the best history with DRM and stuff, and I could see this blowing up in their face if it starts happening to legit users, I do applaud their innovation at handling thieves. It's a nice little to reminder to people who have grown up believing torrenting things is okay, that it's still

I own both consoles and wouldn't wait in line for either of them. I still don't understand why Kotaku fuels so much hate for Microsoft.

(however, I will add that brown shoes will really only "match" with warm light gray. If it's cool light grey, go with black)

If you need this handy chart to dress yourself well, then the "dress yourself well" ship has probably already sailed.

I agree. I'm not okay with paying to be a beta tester for a game. I did that unintentionally for Battlefield 4, and can still barely harness my rage over that, since it was the only game I owned on my expensive new next gen system.

I'm a gamer. I buy and play games. I'm a volleyball player. I'm a NFL fan. None of these things define who I am, just what I do. Just as in any situation, once you completely define who you are by what you do, you're bound to get wound up when you perceive someone attacking who you believe you are. Perhaps it's time

Dammit! I made the mistake of paying for STF. It's clever and fun, but free is a much better price to pay for the hour I spent playing it. I will be happy when this 8-bit art fad has played itself out.

The lack of respect for people's lives and safety with this kind of "prank" makes me truly sad for everyone involved. Here we are facing news about militant police, everyone is on high alert, and then some wise ass calls the cops and reports deaths and bombs? You know if someone gets killed, the cops will take the