
You're right, but I'm hoping they streamline the Tower anyhow. It reminds me of the Citadel in Mass Effect - an area that I would have happily never have gone. Going back to have someone identify your gear, or to sell weapons, I understand these are time-honored gaming tropes, but it's just so tedious right now. And

something like this for the Sparrow would be great, too. Bringing up the Ghost is cumbersome. Holding a button for anything is even more so.

This is the reason I never played HALO MP. It's part of what HALO is, but it's also gaming mechanics trapped in 2001. If they borrow anything from HALO MP it should be the snappy, fluid controls.

I agree. I wonder why they put so much effort into a character creation system that no one will ever see. Even on the Destiny Companion app, it shows your helmet instead of your character's face.

I've been a big fan of Dinklage since Station Agent, and I agree. The ghosts just distracts me. I don't think he mailed his performance in, I think he probably did the best he could without any context to based it from. I hope so, anyhow. But it's bad. If there was an option to disable it, I would.

I don't think you even need to see the private mail. People become despicable human beings behind the veil of anonymity. The internet is a living, breathing example of this.

the gamertags will show up at any distance, so if one of your teammates is behind a bad guy, but he's across the map, the bad guy will look like your teammate. I agree this made it very difficult to discern targets, but I don't know that your colorblindness had any additional negative impact. The bad guys in this MP

I wholly disagree with the objectives showing all the time. In games like COD and BF4, it's visually cluttering and can cover your enemies and make them hard or impossible to see. In the Destiny multiplayer, this clutter was an absolute mess. The UI has all these persistent icons and it looks more like a subway map

Arguing on the internet.

I had a response typed out, but can't be sure you aren't just trolling or are bored. Additionally, this whole thread has a number of people who have answered it far more eloquently that I would have, and you've responded to most of them. Which leads me back to "trolling or bored"?

I don't know if younger men really do know. Assholes are not limited to an explicit age range. Everyone should know enough to respect other human beings.

Great response, and I'd add that you probably didn't need to hashtag it like you did. But then I see that JellyFishHead has recommends on his posts and realize you DID need to hashtag it. I don't want to believe that gallantry is dead, but it probably is rare, and common sense appears to be following it to the grave.

You are the kind of person she's talking about. What you typed above is misogyny at worst and disrespectful at best.

This is the game that sold me on the XBO. It was everything that I was looking for in a game and i had barely contained enthusiasm for it. Three of us bought XBO systems and Titanfall in preorder. All three of us got in the beta and loved it. When it hit retail, it quickly became apparent that the different game modes

We used to play different role-playing games with friends when we were camping. We didn't have any dice, so we'd just grow the characters: going to bars, carnivals, dinner, stuck in a base during a snowstorm, etc. Those are the games I remember far more than the time we killed X because of dice.

I remember being SO STOKED for Brink. It was the game I had wanted for the longest time and I couldn't wait for it. I was telling all my friends and showing them cool clips and tactics and features. And none of them could see what I saw. They all said "Oh, another shooter." and I couldn't understand how they didn't

Or, more likely, the casual players all hit level cap and lost interest.

I still don't understand why they simply wouldn't remove the assets in the interest of cutting down on retail/download size. The mind boggles.

The Chevy looks like a rounded mix of a Tacoma and a Tundra. I agree the GMC is pretty vanilla, though.

Most of us are paying for Early Access on consoles already. Remember the launch of BF4?