I came in here to pimp Graze and see you've already included it. I've been a member for several months and absolutely love it. It's cheap, tastes great, and all selections are reasonably healthy.
I came in here to pimp Graze and see you've already included it. I've been a member for several months and absolutely love it. It's cheap, tastes great, and all selections are reasonably healthy.
I own cast-iron, non-stick, and stainless steel. I love all my pans, but I use them for different things. Cast iron for meat, non-stick for veggies and eggs, and stainless steel for sauces or anything that might burn easily.
Agreed. A large portion of my close friends are from volleyball. Some don't play anymore, some we don't play with anymore, but we still all hang out together, and all have common interests.
You've very literally just described EVERY headline on Buzzfeed.
I'm a huge fan of Street Fighter and know the backstory for each of the games and characters, but this was still difficult to listen to. I know it's rock opera, but it's simply too corny.
Buy a console and a good racing sim. By the time I had my license, it was already instinct, though the control pad was a bit different...
Into The Exam Room is fantastic. Great tip, thanks so much!
Listened to Hermano. Admittedly it's pretty good, though I prefer the direction the band went with Josh Homme. I am a fan of desert rock and knew about Kyuss (it's why I came in to check a music the article on a gaming site), so I will check out your recommendations. Thanks!
I'm going to reserve judgement on this until I can listen to Hermano, but you've set the bar pretty high saying they are better than QotSA.
I'll agree, that has occasionally been a problem. Especially when it's snowy outside and everyone else is afraid to drive their rear-wheel cars to a restaurant or something. My wife has a nice 4-door AWD we use for those situations, though.
I can think of about 3000 reasons.
Sorry, I didn't mean to disparage your experience. I'm sure it's actually been worse for you and others. What I meant to iterate is that it's still broken, just in different ways.
Yeah, this is working out SO well for us now. And let's not point fingers at the current administration like this hasn't been going on for the last 20 years.
Ah, the American way. This is just good capitalism, right? Can't these companies that made it on their own, without billions of money infused from the government dictate how they use their own business?
What they say, and what the games actually does tend to be completely unrelated, though. I can still click on Conquest or TDM and get put in Domination or Defuse or Rush. I don't mind DOM or RUSH, so it sucks but could be worse. Defuse, however, I find terribly unfun. I can't understand how something so rudimentary…
I don't really know if it's been worse. For every problem they address, it introduces others. With the patch yesterday, I experienced far more lagginess and rubberbanding than I had since the game came out. So yes, the servers are more stable, but now the gameplay is crap.
I use Plex to stream local content, too. Normally it works well, but it CAN get laggy and mucked up if the folders have too much media to index. An organized collection may provide better performance. I'm not as particular about my movie folder as I am my music folders, and I wish I were.
So cynical!
It's probably well past time that we let people believe that encrypted data at rest is safe. When Target tells people not to worry, that the stolen PINs are encrypted, they don't mention that the people who have those files can take as long as they want to decrypt them.
I'd love a sequel. If they incorporated the loot from the Arena/coop into the single player, there could have been so much more to the game.