Probably an insensitive comparison, but I treat my rage like alcoholism. I feel like I have it beat, but I dont. I know the rage is still there. I just manage to control it better. My wife and my dog make my life better, and so it's easier to control.
When people try to engage me or calm me down, it's usually fuel on the fire. Mostly people know now that if my favorite team just lost, it's best to leave me alone for a while. What annoys me is how worked up I get over my favorite team.
I always imagine myself from the outside the following day and wish I'd done it sooner. Then I get rage guilt. I wish I could calm myself while it's happening, but I'm usually well beyond rational thought by then. This article and comments at least allow me to realize I'm not as alone with my rage as it usually seems.
I don't believe that ignorance is a valid excuse for breaking laws. I will admit that it's a two-way street; I've bought games that were plagued with loading or login problems based entirely on the DRM. In such a case, the valid users are the ones being screwed by the developers while the pirates already have a…
55 people recommend post that offers the "right" way to steal games. 2 people recommend the guy that makes a distinction between digital downloads and stealing. And Benjo gets attacked for NOT being a pirate. What a wonderfully horrible culture.
This exactly. The first shootout in the snow during the intro almost had me in fits. WHERE THE HELL AM I AIMING? This did make me go into the settings and enable simple mode with the aim snap, though.
Raymond Cruz was the best Ding, though he's gone soft as seen in Breaking Bad. I preferred Liev Schreiber as Clark in Sum of All Fears, though. Dafoe, while a great actor, has none of the physical characteristics that Clark is known for - specifically his linebacker size.
I don't think it's particularly any good, but I use the Amazon Cloud Player as all my music is stored on Amazon, and I can also play local music. I really only listen to music on my laptop at work, though. At home, I have a number of devices that are easier to use, such as the Roku 3, which can also access Amazon…
I imagine in a few more years, once swiping is an assumed feature, we'll have some functionality standards. But for right now, I find it annoying.
one new thing that drives me NUTS: You used to be able to swipe left-to-right to delete email. I've ALWAYS done it that direction. Now you can only go right-to-left. It's a small thing and still it makes me tear my hair out.
what's a phone book?
I've got my account set that no one can message me or hear me on chat unless they are on my friends list. This should be the default setting. If you open a message from a stranger, you accept some of the responsibility of the horrible shit they may say. Live activities are not classified by PEGI.
I've had this exact thing happen. Luckily, Budget was across the highway from them.
This is how old I am: I clicked on the article cause I had no idea what that "t" logo was for. I'll see screencaps of tumblr posted on Reddit or Imgur and find their comment nesting an absolute nightmare.
I'm not big on swearing on the internet or insulting people behind the protection of the internet, but if you think MS is evil and Sony is good, or even vice-versa, then you are a fucking moron. I don't think it can be sugarcoated.
I don't know. Maybe you're right. But keep in mind: none of these systems are for sale yet in any tangible way, and only gaming fans like us have this info. We haven't begun the big TV and media push. Most people that will buy a system at retail will never have heard about this kerfuffle, and at that point may even…
I'm also just annoyed in general by Kotaku's "Told you so" attitude in regards to their biased journalism (I fought the desire to put that word in quotes and sound as childish as some of the story titles) and the cross-linking between Gawker sites that keeps finding me back here, and making comments when I'm likely…
I was not referring directly or indirectly to you, particularly if you are a PC gamer, as you don't have a horse in the console race. I was agreeing with Interrogator-Chaplain that on either side of the fight, a zealot for anything has to come up with a reason for why their choice is right and an opposing choice is…
Then: "I hate MS for their draconian policies, PS4 forever!"
Now: "I hate MS for having no backbone! PS4 forever!"
The life of a fanboy must be a awash in rationalization.