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    It’s probably because he’s afraid of losing his job. In fact, based off of this article, he probably did exactly what he should do to avoid an SJW Journalist turning him and his work a martyr.

    I don’t remember the number, but, it was the one that had the CG Lego episode or something like that

    Or just make her an awesomely hot outfit like they’ve always done.
    Go play For Honor or something like Kingdom Come if you’re that concerned about historical accuracy..

    Sorry Cecilia, this article is just pathetic

    My wife loves Ivy and everything about her bod.. In fact, I think she even has some fan art.... if you know what I mean.. I know she has some pictures of Lightning from FFXIII naked..

    It’s so weird how you can sit here and be totally offended over a video game but another woman is actually enjoying and feeling

    That why I give every game 1-2 years after release before I pick it up. I’ll be enjoying Assasins Creed and God of War next year. All patched up and DLC worked in and ready to go. A pain free experience for me. Plus I’ll probably end up paying a lot less money.

    I waited years to play the Witcher 3 and Horizon and it’s

    While there may be a ton of other ways to easily gift your friends download codes or physical copies, I think that the novelty of being able to turn on your Xbox and see a Gift notification pop up and bam you immediately have that game now is pretty neat.

    I am becoming so sick of this practice of having to make EVERYTHING diverse. Look, there are white shows, black shows, indian show, indian movies, black games../// AHHH AHHH

    It’s very obvious and easy to understand why Nintendo wouldn’t want him there.

    I started on 16-bit (Earthbound was my first). I’d say the PS1/SS era had the best designs, depth and creativity. Things started become a bit homogenized after that era...

    Reminds me of the music from Yoshida Island/Story/Wooly

    Because years ago, mobile seemed like a good idea to make some side cash. Plus, I don’t know who you’re talking about, I never wanted N going mobile. Pivoting the entire company to focus on mobile... ick...

    You’re not alone. This has been disturbing news... especially since the Switch is becoming a port machine... and Nintendo isn’t pumping out anymore new games.

    I’m getting really bad vibes from this new guy just look at him! He’s like a Japanese kim Kong Un...

    Wow. Is it me or does this guy honestly just blow huge amounts of ass?

    5 years seems to be the standard for making a master piece... Any longer, then you’re too far behind trends and any shorter, you’re cutting corners

    Unfortunately, I can’t help but feel the same way. Games or not, he’s a numbers guy. His game is making the # rise whilst trying not to alienate fans...by following market trends after the hard path had already been trodden.

    They aren’t that great

    I’ve played both too. Tactics Ogre is cool. But SF and it’s sequels have one huge epic story and the CD games have save carry overs that effect different things etc.

    I absolutely love these games. Oddly enough, I didn’t really get into them until a few years ago.

    Loading screen mini games are patented and owned - dunno if it’s been overturned yet though. But this was in the early 2000