
I was reading the liveblog over at engadget and checking the comments over there simultaneously,

@9mmsolution: exactly. Especially mac mini, 21.5 iMac and the macbook.

Try to find a good deal on a Sony SXRD and you'll be set for 10 years. It's amazing.

@Ray Wert: ha, thanks but not thanks. I'd rather sign up to an anus control group rather than visit the new layout.

The JiangLing Landwind 4x4

are you fuckin serious? facebook, really?

"up to six devices can be daisy-chained on one Thunderbolt connection."

@Audi5000: but those knives won't confuse TSA agents.

@BronxWhiteBoi: exactly, I deleted it after a week, in which the app crashed 30+ times, not that there was anything interesting — or well written — to read.

I loathe HP with an unbridled passion, but these ones look good.

@envador: I honestly think it was a bad editorial decision. If it were upto me, I'd have sent the phone in a nice box of chocolate with a note that read