
@mobgma: haha, this is hilarious

"And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my [Gizmodo reading pleasure]. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."

@Zubieta: As an experienced Mac & Dell user, I urge you to wait for the new mbp.

In two years, a new article will read "How Netflix Destroyed Itself"

@EctoGlow: ha, I got mine for $100.

@OulaMan: nope the comments are not working properly to begin with, plus the photos, oh and a link takes me to that god-forsaken layout 12 times a day. I can go on...


I'm surprised he wasn't driving one of those.

@Nitesh: If Darth Vader had a laptop this would be it.

@Crow: I've been having issues with "ca" for the past few days, nothing seems to be working properly.

I want the new mbp now!

@Raven Riley: but it's a Toshiba and therefore sucks inherently.

@znewman3: plus there will be an activation fee and whatever Verizon can steal from the customer, so yeah good luck Motorola.

"From 1963 to 1981, this was the most expensive, most advanced and most governmental car in the world.When I have fitted flags to the front wings - black eagles on a red background - I shall feel like Mussolini." - Jeremy Clarkson

what's with the bs titles since the redesign?

$799 Xoom was officially announced and may go on sale within 2 weeks. While on the other hand there is no "official" word on the $600 wi-fi version.

@nacatak: There is no Xoom out for $600. Motorola said they were going to make one, though no one knows when.

I wish you good luck sir.

@Monsterajr: funny, my friend asked me the same thing a week ago.