
That puts them ahead of 17 other states. Pretty much right in the middle.

This guy... the most common mispronounciation of my last name.

I think you missed what is, IMHO, the single biggest reason to buy (assuming you'll stay put for a while): Rental inflation tends to get pretty crazy, but in 30 years my final payment is exactly the same as my first one, while my renting friends will be paying maybe 3x as much as they used to. You're at the mercy of

“Cardinals” = 9 letters

Except Floyd Mayweather.

You can pull that off just outside of Dallas (maybe 10-15 miles from downtown). Before I got put on hourly + commission, I was pretty much living proof of it. Here’s my breakdown per month when I didn’t make commission:

+1 name engraved on Lord Stanley’s Cup

Nobody deserves to be abused.

They’ve been planning this for years!

Yeah, but LaTroy Hawkins made his $47,462,500 at $14.00/hour.

Hat Trick.


Well this is absolutely despicable, and you should be ashamed of yourself. No way you had the express written consent of the National Football League to post that Tweet/Vine.

Blink 182 times and you’ll miss it, but he really did take off the pants of a Jacket.

Browns Mgmt: Johnny we’re going to have to cut ties with you.


Holy shit, awful! My three-year-old does better than that and he’s terrible. I’m always like “there are kids your age in Pakistan making soccer balls and you can’t fingerpaint a fucking cloud?”

Marchman got to him. He’s in the pocket of BIG SAC BUNT. It’s the only plausible explanation.

As I learned from the Simpsons, Browns fans are NOT jealous, as jealousy is when you think someone will take what’s yours, we are envious.

I'm sorry, but that's very naive. Protection (i.e., self defense) has nothing to do with responsibility. We don't live in a world where no one will ever get attacked because it's morally wrong. If someone does everything they can to stay safe, and gets attacked anyway, it's the attacker's fault, no one else's. If