
I think popular opinion is that it's Frank's Brother vs Who Cracked the Liberty Bell

Go the Juggalos! While they're typically easy people to make fun of, Juggalos are a music fandom subset, not a criminal gang, and they shouldn't be prevented by law from associating with each other.

Love his picks. And the dude is 100% correct, bloopers and fails are god-tier comedy. Nothing is ever as good as an unscripted fuck-up - that's innately, universally hilarious.

Love Dragon's Crown, recently polished off Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir, which has a similar look but actually follows the anime conventions and cliches more closely in regards to the characters and narrative. I pretty much ignored most of the story and just focused on the gameplay, which was excellent.

Persona is actually tolerable, though.

I love how you describe a gamer's tolerance for anime bullshit - this is exactly how I feel, as a non-anime fan but avid gamer. And honestly, while I loved the visuals and gameplay from Gravity Rush 1, the anime bullshit, which I though I had a high tolerance for, really turned me off. I was keen to buy GR2 based on

I don't know if this is referencing a joke that's already been made but if not, BRAVO.

I saw this on the 30th of December, just in time for it to qualify as my favourite movie of 2016. If you're a fan of of the Absolutely style of comedy, this should be right up your alley. For me, an instant fucking classic.

And this is legitimately the theme?!

I'm with the other guy, it was funny. Though it did end with a giant sky vortex thingy too…

Gentleman Broncos was pretty ok.

yeah, that's not small part of his character. Let me guess- they've also removed the references to John Wayne?

Great review.

oh man, even thinking about it is stressing me out. It took me so long before I could watch anything with David Cross in it without throwing my shoe at the screen!

Alberto Del Rio's lil sis is all grown up!

A- at least

seriously, that may be the stupidest comparison I have ever heard. It is in no way accurate.

If the "introspection" on this joint makes you cry, then I'm sorry but you are soft. as. fuck. There are a few decent jawns and I would rate it slightly higher than Trap Lord but this shit ain't deep.

Hell yeah, I can't wait until they give Sandman a quippy, will-they-won't-they female sidekick and send him out into NY to solve crimes!

Holy hell, I had no idea this movie existed and now I want to see it badly! Blue Ruin was such a great flick, and this sounds DYN-O-MITE!