is it just me, or does this article sound like a paid advertisement?? i don't think you could advocate for this any more than is done by this writer.
is it just me, or does this article sound like a paid advertisement?? i don't think you could advocate for this any more than is done by this writer.
regal says "anything should be done to suppress further organization of the riots", and you come up with tattoos on the neck??? that's quite a leap there Wiz.
over simplified...
more reason? you think they need more reason??
Sounds like a good idea to me! they wouldn't be doing it to stop freedom of expression, they are trying to stop senseless looting and rioting that is damaging their entire country. Those looters aren't doing it for a good reason, they don't lack freedom! they're looters and they're using social media to organize…
uh, that's kind of a dumb idea! you may not like what they did, but so far as we know it wasn't illegal. if you have proof otherwise, i suggest you give it to the police.
and i carry a copy of free randicals around to make myself look cool...
i'll take door number "B" please... :)
Clutching a copy of "Free Radicals", huh?? so, he just started reading it while in jail? I'm guessing this idiot is trying to create a phony persona that many are too willing to accept. Holding that book is for show.
have his skills really been proven beyond the run of the mill sql injection? this kids an idiot willing to do something that he didn't think he'd get caught at. he doesn't deserve praise or admiration.
Actually, your response is even dumber! #1, you wanna argue the benefits of printing money?? do you understand what it does to the value of that money when you just print more of it?
Hope they got a CarFax?
negitoro, This story isn't about the restaurant's atmosphere! it's only about the food so you're argument is just simply off base. i'm not sure you watched the video in this story because the guy is talking about more than just "this looks delicious", so again, maybe watch the video before you comment.
How did this discussion become about American's eating habit?? Did meat and potatoes originate in America? We're retarded why, jackstick??
whats with the picture? it makes no sense. the lady's wearing bandages around her eyes and bleeding where the eyes would be, okay i get that. but what's with the bloody scissors? what point do they serve in the image? and why does she appear to be naked?
RE: weakskills,
uh, no...