
totally agree. mat is a moron who oddly, seems to hate old people. his idea of journalism is to keep talking about someone being old therefore irrelevant. Mat, you do know you'll be old one day and maybe have gained some wisdom by then. so it'll be poetic justice when some punk reminds me that you're old and

"fox and friends" isn't journalism and they don't claim to be. they are commenters. by using that analogy, you just ruined your argument.

i read his entire speech, he said nothing about the f-22 being "plagued from the start". i think you may be confused.

a sophisticated flock of UAVs?? that sounds good until one of them goes haywire as computers are prone to do occasionally. then what?? lets put it this way, are you ready to fly commercial on a plane that has no pilot?

boy, it's a good thing your just a commenter on a blog and not a decision maker.

more dumb ideas...

Uhhh, 15% of multi-millions is a lot more than your 15% of 35k. and what did he personally get for it? nothing! he uses the same roads and fewer government services than most anyone, yet he paid maybe 50 times more than most people. yes, that's more than fair.

that's just stupid! "no one gets rich in this country without government services". Such a liberal talking point that sounds good when you say it, but is totally a baseless argument. as if the rich are the only ones who use the roads. do you vercing, use the roads? don't you use government services?? so we all

uh, no! this came from a package! the one up top was made with love. someone took their time with the one up top, making the cookies from scratch, beating the eggs, mixing, blending... yeah, the one up top is warm and chewy, yours is dull and lifeless. i don't understand the name you gave it, i don't speak martian.

that's a really good looking ice cream sandwich. normally not into them, but that one looks especially good! even the slightly burnt edge at the front there.

Can we just stop with the "trolling" accusations? anytime anyone disagrees, you get this whole group of idiots shouting "Troll!" it's like you don't know what else to say. you have no other comeback to an disagreement than "Troll!".

your searching for addresses on your phone while driving 80?

was it just me or was this whole article muddled and confusing?? i still have no idea why Apple spends less...

socialism works great???? wow! i'll give you credit for being so committed that you're willing to ignore reality.

No actually, the logical fallacy is to say someone is guilty of something and having no proof!

like all of the commenters so far, I agree it's funny. but that's the immature kid in me that laughs when i hear the word "boning". However, i think this proves it's not about America being prudes, it's about europe being immature. there's nothing sophisticated or adult about it. you know it's some spanish dude,

if the choice is between believing in god and being closed-minded and arrogant like you, i'll take god...

funny how the writer carelessly tosses out the "nanny state" description without a thought. doesn't matter, huh? why is the government regulating it instead of the parents? does everyone who agrees with this understand how far it will go? do you really need the government dictating what you can and cannot do, to

Not everyone needs to stick their fingers into something and fiddle with it. If your that person, don't buy an apple. simple. I'm not a fan of Apple, never even owned an apple product, but i can say they haven't set anyone back. no one was forced to buy a mac, everyone has choices.

So we know for sure that Apple made the screen 3.5 inches for this reason? really? cause it seems like dustin just pulled this out of his a$$. Steve Jobs was pretty good at explaining the design features of the iphone, so why did he not point this out? He's discussed screen size before when talking about a 7 inch