
I don’t believe you.

when and where did this happen?

Exactly. This stinks, but part of it is an aggrandizing from B is for build.

Of course, copyright holders are required to defend their properties

For the moment, I’m going to assume you’re not deliberately concern trolling. But regardless, you’re misconstruing what “believe women” actually means. “Believe Women” is not a blanket statement. It’s a shorthand that we use because the more accurate statement “afford a woman reporting an assault the same benefit of

Just a random musing:

I mean... you may not care for Dunham but he certainly has a right to protect his intellectual property. My social media feeds have been inundated with ads for face masks with Baby Yoda and Schitt’s Creek on them and I’m pretty sure they aren’t officially licensed either.

This is the best.  Not sorry.............Reese’s.

I think you can watch it on a Roku, but don’t quote me on that.

booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo to slideshows.

It’s Mississippi a state still full of racists, that still make lynching references regularly. Posted by anyone else yeah it probably would be a joke about a wife wanting to hang her husband.

Yeah how dare people be offended by jokes about hanging in a state where till the 80s it was still common for blacks to “disappear” .

I’ll be that guy and ask why Billy Jack, which was one of the most successful independent films ever, isn’t on the list.

By the end he’ll transfer his mind into that “golem” thing. Or, it may be done without his knowledge — he’s mortally injured and Raffi and Agnes make the decision, but it’ll be done.

and other parts are obviously a lie (like saying she had no idea, at 14 (the age of consent in Canada at the time) why the guys were inviting them back to the hotel room)

Age of consent does not magically equal maturity. I don’t think it’s “obviously” a lie that a 14 year old child would be innocent enough to not immediately think that a celebrity she admired was going to try and have sex with her. You can call it naive if you want, but once again, she was a child. She doesn’t have to

To be honest, NuWho has had pacing issues all throughout the series, episodes that go full-tilt until the end, only to reach a conclusion with one of the series’ many Doctor Ex Machinas (the David Tennant years seemed to be the worst for those). I think it might be worse this season because of a couple other

My impression is that the world Brendan inhabited wasn’t Earth, but the same one the Doctor and crew arrived at in the far future. Alien planets have always had a striking resemblance to the UK for some reason... I guess it’s the same reason Korea always looked like Southern California in MASH. :)

Honestly, I’d rather just burn a stack of $20 bills. It’ll be quicker, involve less disgusting people, and ultimately cheaper on my bank account. But that’s more just my bitterness of having lived in and around Orlando for more than 15 years and having to deal with a constant stream of tourists that somehow think