
As we all know the most innovative and daring way to “push boundaries” is to shout racial and homophobic slurs like a 12-year-old who thinks he’s getting away with something. Way to crack the code, you risk-taking comic genius you.

Pick better villains, since that’s the only reason you could possibly think that’s heroic.

Do most Americans even know that this tournament is going on or that FIBA is a thing?

Also Allen did not go through the criminal courts. Yet.

Roman Polanski gave quaaludes to a 13 year old and then sodomized her while she was unconscious.

So, if Himmler escaped and made this movie, you’d focus only on the quality of the film?

Brilliant to see the AV Club commentariat is now composed of people bravely standing up for men who rape 13-year-olds everywhere. How dare the rest of us care about such silly nonsense, when we could be concerned with FILM.

Sorry, can’t really find it in myself to be excited that a child rapist who fled from justice still gets to make movies and get awards. My bad, I guess.

I was sitting at my desk reading a blog.  2 minutes ago. 

Why is this a story? Rats are an issue in big cities. The issue needs to be resolved. Resolving the issue of having too many rats means finding a way to have less rats. They can lure them in an drown them, or they can wait for them to get stomped on by people, rolled over by subway trains, etc.

He could care less about the Jewish people!

Yeah, you sure showed them, pointing to one and only one game!

Not so tiresome if you’re one of the LGBTQ people affected by their actions.

Almost all of the same taste, but without any of the discrimination!

From what I’ve heard, the devs aren’t able to add anything new to the game in any capacity, because of those legal disputes. So the most they can do now, is bug fixes and quality of life stuff. But updates are done for.

to be fair, he keeps getting asked about it by journalists looking for a scoop and these news articles are just framing his response. Tarantino says a lot of dumb shit which pisses me off, but it’s not like he just keeps bringing this particular thing up to remind us

Not really. Margot Robbie’s Sharon Tate watched the real Sharon Tate in that theater so I have a feeling Tarentino would do the same sort of thing with Dean Martin.

Imagine if you did articles about streamers who don't have huge audiences of idiots and maybe are up and coming and could use the press instead of a narcissistic asshole who doesn't learn from his mistakes?